
Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5: Open letter to U.S. Attorney General

The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 is calling on all peoples to support the international campaign to sign on the letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to demand the FREEDOM OF THE CUBAN 5!! Forward this email throughout your address books and link this link to your websites!!

A Whole Lotta Love from Chávez, None from Bush

In his whirlwind visit to the U.S. this past week, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez expressed his love for the American people, offered his 'deepest condolences,' and reiterated his government's offers of assistance for the victims of the Katrina disaster.

Colombia: ICFTU Protests Horrific Torture and Murder of Union Leader

In a letter to Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the ICFTU has condemned the vicious torture and murder of Luciano Enrique Romero Molina, a leader of the foodworkers' union SINALTRAINAL...In conclusion, the ICFTU criticises the President's policy of 'democratic security', which in effect legalises paramilitary activity, and has 'so far served only to increase the number of murdered trade unionists and labour activists'.

The German Elections as a Victory for Democracy

The Federal Republic of Germany has had an election that German and international commentators call 'frustrating', 'inclusive', a 'stalemate.' I don’t look at it that way at all... A left-center government in Germany, at the center of Europe and one of the world’s great economic powers, would have a tremendously positive influence on both world affairs and the life of the German people.

IRAQ: Displaced families return to devastated Talafar

Nearly 1,500 displaced Iraqi families have returned to the northern city of Talafar after Coalition forces ended an operation to rout insurgents hiding there, but the returnees said dozens of their homes had been totally destroyed...Surkassi Ahmed, a doctor at the local hospital, said there had been civilian casualties. 'We have received cases of deaths of women, children and the elderly in our hospital,' he noted.

MARCH OF THE PINHEADS: Conservative values and the penguin movie

Even though I would not call myself a 'conservative,' I have a great deal of respect for people who honestly hold well-thought-out conservative opinions... It must be disheartening to many conservatives to see the press give so much attention to self-proclaimed conservative 'spokespersons,' who once they open their mouths reveal themselves to be complete dunderheads.

RWANDA: Prosecutor welcomes life conviction of genocide suspect

A decision was made to uphold the conviction that the former Rwandan minister of higher education and scientific research, Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda, aided and abetted the commission of the crimes by leading the attackers at the Gikomero Parish on 12 April 1994; just six days after the mass slaughter began in Rwanda.

Cuba Creates International Disaster and Epidemic Brigade

The Henry Reeve International Contingent of Disaster and Epidemic Physicians, a team of 1,586 physicians, was officially [introduced] by President Fidel Castro at the graduation ceremony for 1,903 new doctors from the island´s medical schools.“We [organize] professionals to fight death,” said the Cuban President.

Poverty Increases as Incomes Decline Under President Bush

The day after Hurricane Katrina hit, exposing much of the public to the tragic conditions of poverty in America, the Census Bureau quietly released its annual report entitled, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United
States. In some respects, it provided a demonstrable backdrop to the pockets of poverty common to New Orleans and other cities.

Pre-9/11 CIA Report Said Iraq Posed No Threat

CIA Director George Tenet testified before Congress in February 2001 that Iraq posed no immediate threat to the United States or to other countries in the Middle East. But immediately after the terrorist attacks on 9-11, which the Bush administration has said Iraq is partially responsible for, the President and his advisers were already making a case for war.

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