Iran’s Presidential Elections: The Hard-Liners in a Panic
Only two weeks remain to Iran’s 10th presidential election and the campaigns of the four candidates are in high gear. To kick things off, we’ll turn to who’s supporting who

Venezuela and Brazil Increase Cooperation
The governments of Brazil and Venezuela advanced on a series of joint projects including infrastructure, hydrocarbon and hydroelectric energy production, chemical fertilizer production, literacy training, public finance, and a joint oil refinery.
All Nations Part of Climate Change Solution
The US Congress needs to know that every country is part of a global solution for environmental protection in order to engage itself in the Copenhagen summit for a treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol, US Senator John Kerry said at a press conference in Beijing yesterday (May 26th).
Climate Change Information Overload?
Millions, possibly even billions of people will be affected by the impact of climate change, some reports say; gloomy ones tell you it is already happening, more optimistic ones say it will happen by the end of the century.
Human Rights Groups Support Universal Jurisdiction
The social organizations, solidarity groups, development NGOs and human rights associations, as well as persons of the academic and legal sphere, listed below
Netanyahu’s New Quest: The Game is On
“We've accomplished quite a few things, and I think the most important one is to cement the principle that the path to peace is through negotiations and not through violence.”
Why We Can't Compromise on Public-Plan Choice
Of all the components of the health reform package that will be debated in Congress this year, none inspires greater admiration or ire than the idea of “public plan choice.”

Cartoon: Capitalism, This Way...
A recent poll showed just about half of Americans think capitalism is better than socialism. With the collapse of the financial system and the economy, the ideology of the free market has fewer and fewer adherents.
US Rep. John Conyers on Health Care
ATLANTA – US Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) made Atlanta his first stop on Wednesday, March 27, 2009, as part of his six city, five day tour across the country to visit hospitals, speak with doctors and nurses, and listen to stories from US citizens struggling to pay for healthcare.
The Cyclical Crisis of Capitalism: Who is to Pay for the “Recovery”?
There is little agreement amongst politicians, economists, business leaders and media commentators on the likely speed of economic recovery.