Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement, an Interview
Interviewed here are Robbie Lieberman and Clarence Lang who are co-editors of a new book titled Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement (Palgrave Macmillan).
Light at the End of the Unemployment Line? (May 21st)
Action taken under President Obama's economic recovery act has saved or created 150,000 jobs since late February, the White House Task Force on Working Families reported earlier this month.
Labor Activists Denounce Aung San Suu Kyi’s Detention
As the trial of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi marked its second day, solidarity activists and workers under the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL), an active member of the Free Burma Coalition-Philippines today held a protest action in front of the Burma embassy in Makati City and denounced the recent arrest and detention of world’s only imprisoned Nobel laureate.
Australia: Labor Demands Assistance for Asbestos Victims
The The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) is asking the Rudd government to step in and guarantee funding to cover a $350 million shortfall in the James Hardie asbestos compensation fund.
Union Gains as Hyundai India Strike Ends
Indian autoworkers at Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) and members of the Hyundai Motor India Employees' Union (HMIEU) ended their work stoppage and hunger strike after management agreed to a number of worker demands, mediated by the Tamil Nadu District Commissioner of Labor.
Impact of Global Economic Crisis on Forced Labor
The report also charts the significant international and national progress in reducing and preventing forced labor, but warns of the possible negative impacts of the global economic and jobs crisis on efforts to eliminate it.
Workers, Healthcare & Environment Top Obama Budget Priorities
After a stunning victory in Congress to pass his budget priorities last month, President Obama unveiled the details of his 2010 budget this week.

Union Intimidation a Myth, Says New Study
In the battle over the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, right-wing opposition to the bill has centered on the claim that if a majority sign-up (sometimes referred to as 'card check') process of certifying the union is used, union organizers will pressure and intimidate workers into joining the union.
Veterans Push for Employee Free Choice
Yesterday [April 30] in Norfolk, Va., union veterans held the first event of what will be a nationwide campaign for the Employee Free Choice Act, uniting union and nonunion veterans from across the country in support of the freedom to form unions and bargain.

Greetings to the Workers of Iraq and the World on May Day
Hundreds of millions of workers and people around the world and also in Iraq will celebrate International Workers' Day, the1st of May, which has been associated with the revolutionary and democratic movement.