No Press Freedom in Post-Coup Honduras
When José David Ellner Romero heard the soldiers breaking down the door of the Globo radio station on the evening of the June 28 coup, he had a flashback.
Human Rights and Democracy in Iran
Recently, representatives of the Central Committees of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the Sudanese Communist Party exchanged views and consulted on the political situation unfolding in Iran, in light of the rigged elections of June 12th and the mass protests that quickly took place.
Lonesome Hobo Economics
The official unemployment rate now exceeds 9.5 percent – the worst in at least 25 years. The unofficial – including discouraged, underemployed, and otherwise discarded workers – rises above 15 percent.
Washington's Wars and Occupations
For determining effective strategy and tactics, the peace movement needs hard-nosed, dispassionate analysis. At the same time, the heart and soul of the peace movement's very existence is passionate solidarity with human beings across the globe in their battles for dignity, equality and a decent life.
Pakistanis Reject Taliban, US Military Role
Pakistanis reject the violence and values of the Taliban but also want foreign military intervention in their country to end, a nationwide survey there revealed recently.
Honduran Activists Report Army 'Forcibly Recruiting' Youngsters in Rural Areas
During a telephone conference call with journalists in Costa Rica, Honduran activists today reported that human rights defenders have been threatened and that the Honduran army is forcibly recruiting youngsters in rural areas, following the 'coup' on Sunday.
Rep. McGovern Letter to Sec. Clinton on Honduras Coup
I very much appreciate that the Obama Administration has taken a principled stand against the coup in Honduras, the ouster of President Zelaya and the violations of human rights and civil liberties that have taken place in Honduras since the coup last Sunday.
A New Day Dawns in the Western Hemisphere: The Old Day Not Yet Buried
Sunday the Honduran military carried out a coup ousting President Manuel Zelaya from power. Almost immediately leaders of Western Hemisphere nations condemned the actions taken in Tegucigalpa, the capital city.
Cartoon: Goodbye Capitalism....
A recent poll showed that only about half of Americans think capitalism is better than socialism, while the rest are unsure or see socialism as a better idea. With the collapse of the financial system and the economy, the ideology of the free market has fewer and fewer adherents.
Congress Unveils More Health Reform Proposals
Congress continued to work on health reform and made some progress before adjourning for the July 4 recess. Still, the bulk of the work awaits them in July.