
Racist Extremists Infiltrating US Military

In a strongly worded letter to members of Congress, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) founder Morris Dees expressed serious concerns about growing signs that members of neo-Nazi groups are infiltrating the US military.


G8 Climate Change Commitment Insufficient, Says Ban Ki Moon

Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, today said that the goals agreed to by the members of the Group of the eight most industrialized nations of the world (G8) are insufficient to counter climate change.


The Peace Movement in the USA

United for Peace and Justice grew out of the struggle to prevent the war in Iraq and it was the coming together of the traditional peace and disarmament groups nationally and a range of local peace and justice centers and coalitions and new grass roots groups that emerged in this struggle to prevent the war.

Light at the End of the Unemployment Line? (July 8th)

After a disappointing unemployment report earlier this month that saw the loss of 467,000 jobs in the month of June and a rise in the unemployment rate to 9.5 percent, predictions of an economic turnaround soon have fallen flat. Despite positive signs in housing and manufacturing activity, poor jobs number remain the 'lagging economic indicator.'


Small Business Owners Slam Chamber of Commerce

Charging the US Chamber of Commerce with supporting only the 'interests of Fortune 500 companies,' small business owners this week sharply criticized the business the group for refusing to endorse the Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act.


Splitting the Corporate Health Care Monopoly

Weakening health reform in exchange for bipartisanship is unacceptable, Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-Nev., warned Senate Finance Chair Max Baucus, D-Mont., July 7th, according to a report in Washington-based Roll Call.


The Great Baby-Boomers Economic Stagnation of 2007-2017

Many observers think that “prosperity is around the corner” and that this recession, like others since World War II, will end as soon as the stock market, as a leading indicator, recovers and people start spending again. This is a myopic view of the current economic big picture.


World Food and Water Shortages Threaten the World’s Population

Dublin – The knowledge by developed countries that a billion of the world’s population are starving and many more millions living in abject poverty is not new. The method of ignoring this crime against humanity is to give them charity and make grand-sounding statements while organizing a world political and economic system that has ruthlessly robbed most of the world of the right to live decently.

Environmental Costs of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers

With the advent of the so-called Green Revolution in the second half of the 20th century—when farmers began to use technological advances to boost yields—synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides became commonplace around the world not only on farms, but in backyard gardens and on front lawns as well.

Vietnam: Mekong Delta Aims for Sustainable Future

Scientists, sociologists, environmentalists, and representatives of international organizations explored measures to ensure sustainable development of the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta at a meeting held in Can Tho.

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