Book Review - Policing the National Body, eds. Anannya Bhattacharjee and Jael Silliman
For some, the curbing of civil liberties started with September 11th. For others, the struggle had been going on long before. There are many complex details to understanding the US government’s record on human rights.

Book Review - Stupid White Men, by Michael Moore
It seems that most people who have reviewed Stupid White Men from a left perspective have focused mostly on the last few chapters that are embroiled in the controversy over the Greens and the Democrats. What is missing is praise for Michael Moore’s biting sarcasm, his well-researched criticism and his plucky humor that enable the reader to get through the book psychologically intact.

Your Health at a Cost: The Medical Supply Industry
The world was glued to the TV screen last February as a teenager was victimized by a tragic error at a major medical institution and given a mismatched heart-lung transplant. The frenzy that followed to find yet another organ donor captured our imaginations and hopes until it came to its tragic end. It was barely mentioned, as to who was going to pay for her procedures and the use of the array of medical equipment.

Collateral Damage
When does “regrettable collateral damage” become a deliberate and calculated war against families? This is an important question to consider now.
Healthcare not Warfare
As much as anything else, we need to turn the 2004 elections into a referendum on whether all Americans should finally be able to get affordable, high quality health care with their right to choose their own doctor. -- AFL-CIO Executive Council, February 2003.
War Crimes
In an October issue of Profil, an Austrian weekly magazine, the columnist, Georg Hoffman-Ostenhof, raises the question: “Is Bush a War Criminal?”