Labor Reaches Out
The labor movement is not often viewed as a social justice movement. But, contrary to popular brief, the labor movement has a long history of social justice movement participation.
Why Do They Hate Us?
While the question “why do they hate us?” was first asked after the September 11 attacks, the controversy over the war in Iraq demonstrated the universal character of the new anti-Americanism. The predominant US reaction to this resentment has been to rhetorically turn the table on the accusers.
Book Review - Secret Trials and Executions, by Barbara Olshansky
In recent years, the conservative assault on the democratic values at the heart of our legal system has manifested itself in a range of sweeping repressive powers. In 2001, after Congress passed the dubious USA Patriot Act and the Department of Justice announced that it would authorize the federal government to monitor attorney-client conversations, George W. Bush signed a Military Order allowing the trial of non-citizens in military tribunals.
The Other Superpower
Editor’s Note: Mike Ferner spent the month of February 2003 in Baghdad and Basra, with Voices in the Wilderness. He is Communications Coordinator for the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy and a member of Veterans for Peace. His articles have appeared in CounterPunch, truthout.org and Common Dreams.

A Dim View: The World Looks at Bush
Perhaps the next biggest show of international solidarity on the world stage was related to the Gulf War – solidarity against waging another one. As is well known, the Bush administration pushed for war on Iraq in all the international arenas. The international community held together and said no to war.

Guide to a One-term Bush
In the US and around the world, there is deep concern about George W. Bush’s policies. People understand that Bush is exploiting the tragedy of September 11th to promote policies that are more life threatening than the actions of all the international terrorist groups put together. Indeed, since the unfolding of the war on terrorism, the world has become a more dangerous place; if Bush is reelected, the danger will be much greater.