The Power of Words: A New View of Political Correctness
According to the right wing, the liberal and progressive movements in the US are afraid to tell it like it is. They communicate in a humorless, effeminate doublespeak, and seem more concerned with maintaining a touchy-feely etiquette than with engaging the bread and butter issues that drive real-life politics.
United We Stand: Marxism and Coalitions
“There is very little class consciousness in this country,” said a labor union leader I recently had the good fortune to work with. “So, if the labor movement is going to grow, build strength, win victories and win more political power, we need to build coalitions with the community,” he concluded. If this viewpoint weren’t widely held by many trade unionists, I might suspect him of being a Marxist-Leninist.

Marxism Reloaded: The Revolution Revived
The socialist and communist idea has long inspired the search for a better way of life. Many things that are today taken for granted from Social Security to unemployment insurance come out of this quest. Indeed, it would be difficult to overstate its impact. This applies not only to day-to-day working-class struggles but also to the realm of ideas.