Who is Ross Golan and Molehead?
Ross Golan and Molehead’s recent CD release Reagan Baby leads the sonic assault on the corrupt, hate-filled politics of the far right. The hypocrisy and lies used to justify war, corporate corruption, apathy, war and commerce, the economic crisis, gun violence, domestic violence and abuses of civil liberties and rights are among the subjects of the debut album of this multifaceted three-piece band.

Rockin' Against Bush
Rock and roll means rebellion. For some rockers, it isn’t rebellion only for the sake of it; it’s political. Political rebellion against conformity or conservative religious values set to music is, for many, the definition of rock and roll. From Woody Guthrie to Nina Simone progressive rockers have given voice and substance to this discontent, have raised the difficult questions about the system and the establishment and even have offered personal and systemic alternative visions.