12-06-08, 11:54 am
Editor's note: Marcia Campos is president of the Women's International Democratic Federation.
PA: Please describe the history of the WIDF.
WIDF: WIDF was founded in 1945, December, during the post-war against the fascism, in a Congress held in Paris and the first president was the humanist and scientist Eugenie Cotton. Since then, WIDF fights against fascism, neo-liberalism and imperialism. Against the robbery wars, invasions and blockades caused by the North American government and its supporters around the world.
WIDF has overcome many difficulties between 1989 and 1995, after the fall of the Berlin wall and when the progressive and left-wing forces that acted in WIDF saw that, at the moment, their efforts to organize and to act were not finding answers among the mass and women movement. Many misguided proposals were made during that period, trying to displace women from the revolutionary and emancipation fight, pointing to the “feminism”, the fight against men as the option for the fight of women.
Today this is past, WIDF has followed its path, became strong, has faced the mistaken policies for the women’s movement, coordinated by the imperialism, and is today the biggest and most expressive international organization of women.
PA: What are the three main aims of the WIDF in the current period?