9-19-05, 9:08 am
WAR criminal Tony Blair joined his fellow destroyers of civilian life George Bush and Vladimir Putin at the United Nations to demand unified international action against terrorism.
'There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of the innocent. Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united in condemnation,' said Mr Blair
As long as wherever doesn't include Iraq, Afghanistan or Chechnya and as long as whoever doesn't include Messrs Blair, Bush and Putin.
The fact that the tens of thousands of civilian deaths that they have caused were achieved by high-altitude bombing raids, helicopter rocket attacks or long-range cruise missile strikes does not raise that slaughter of the innocents to a higher moral plane than those who used parcel bombs on the London Tube, grenades in a Beslan school or hijacked planes in Washington and New York.
Imperialist leaders and terror groups exhibited similar disregard for the sanctity of human life and are all guilty of terrorism.
Mr Blair attempted vainly to deny any link between the criminal acts carried out on his and George W Bush's orders against Iraq and Afghanistan and the murderous attacks on Londoners on their way to work.
His explanation that 'the terrorist attacks of July 7 have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores' is stunning in its refusal to accept his personal responsibility.
Even his own intelligence services recognise the direct link between his support for US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the terror bombings in London.
The Prime Minister and President Bush would have us believe that an ideology of hatred and terror came into existence without any material basis for doing so.
This is explained by pseudo-religious references to evil-doers and bad people as though terrorism is a manifestation of the devil's work rather than a desperate and inhuman response to feelings of resentment, anger and impotence in the face of imperialist domination and corruption of the Arab/Muslim world.
Far from accepting that working people were murdered in London as a consequence of his misdeeds in Iraq, the Prime Minister wants to push ahead with further overseas oppression.
He and his imperialist cohorts want the United Nations to authorise them to intervene in other countries when, in the opinion of these Wild West sheriffs, local governments have let them down.
'We, in the name of humanity, have a common duty to protect people where their own governments will not,' he said.
Mr Blair and his allies have no right to speak in the name of humanity. Each has engaged in wars that have brought misery to other nations and to their own.
They must be made to end their bloody occupation of Iraq, where the security situation deteriorates on a daily basis in response to foreign occupation.
All efforts must be made to build for the September 24 March for Peace and Liberty that assembles at noon in London's Parliament Square to march to Hyde Park.
From Morning Star