4-04-06, 9:00 am
In 2001, Pride at Work became the first National labor organization to come out in opposition to the war in Iraq. Since then, Pride at Work has continued to voice our discontent with the continual occupation of Iraq and the cover it has given President Bush to perpetuate all types of campaigns under the umbrella of the 'war on terror.'
From, detainee abuse, secret underground prisons, and the assaults on the rights of workers in Iraq, President Bush's war on Iraq is a disaster for working people all the world over.
Now, we learn that the President has been illegally spying on United States citizens who are making international calls. This blatant disregard for the constitution by our President must end here. That is why we are contacting you today and requesting that you urge your Senators to sign on to Senator Russ Feingold's resolution to censure President Bush for his illegal actions regarding wiretapping.
Senator Feingold stated, 'The President authorized an illegal program to spy on American citizens on American soil, and then misled Congress and the public about the existence and legality of that program. It is up to this body to reaffirm the rule of law by condemning the President’s actions.'
We can only create change in our communities, our country, and the world, if we continue to raise our voices together and speak out against injustice. That is why we urge you to take a moment and send a free fax to your Senators urging them to stand by Senator Feingold and his resolution supporting censure.
Please take a moment and send a free fax to your Senators asking them to support the Feingold Resolution! Our Senators need to hear from us, there constituents, and remind them, that yes, five years later, we are still outraged, and we are still waiting on them to stand up for justice and workers everywhere.
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From Pride at Work