Sudan: The Danger of Division and Foreign Intervention

5-09, 9:01 am

The Sudanese people and their democratic forces are all concerned with the means to avert and resist a coming, looming catastrophe, in the form of increased foreign domination that would take the shape of an imminent foreign intervention. The so-called national unity government is busy in management of secondary contradictions among its components that seek to attain tactical gains here and there. All this is taking place with disregard for the major contradictions between the interest of the people and the homeland on the one hand, and the forces that are paving the way to the country disintegration and its colonization, on the other. The present government has proved in all this policies and stances that it regards its interests being more valuable than those of the people and the country. It is the mentality of the middle man who thinks only of himself.

Darfur has entered a new phase of the crisis. It is on the verge of division and final explosion. The Eastern front is quickly proceeding to the same fate if our people do not impose a peaceful, democratic solution on the government, and the mediators who have historically been and remain a part of the prolongation of the conflict and crisis in the Sudan. The country is on the verge of a new war, which could engulf the whole Sudan. We have to continue to warn against the course that deepens the crisis. We do not confine ourselves to warning only, but have also throughout the past years presented alternative proposals to solve the question of national unity, democratic transformation, sustain durable peace and avoiding a similar danger of 'Somalization.'

We continue to present our proposals from our independent platform and through our presence in the National Council as well as through the National Democratic Alliance bloc. We will continue to resist all plans to perpetuate the terrorist State. We raised our voices high and have built our alliances on the basis of national agenda that seeks to save the country from the danger of division and foreign intervention. We will resist foreign intervention – if it takes place – from our independent trenches, the trenches of the people, not those of who paved the way for the imminent intervention by their obsolete policies and measures. There will be in the trenches of the people all those who work for democracy, durable peace and respect of human rights. There is no way to safeguard the unity of the country and avail the looming catastrophe other than opening the way to democratic transformation and safeguarding peace and its achievements. This way is the hard way, but our people is capable of overcoming all difficulties. Let the efforts of all sincere people unite in the broadest democratic front to save the country.

A statement of the Sudanese Communist Party