Republicans Plan to Eliminate Medicare and Social Security


Republicans got elected by saying the word "jobs" a lot during the worst recession since the Great Depression, despite having voted against every job-creating program offered by the President or the Democrats in the last two years. Now with a grip on power, the Republicans want to sneak in their real anti-working families agenda.

Detailed analysis of House Republican economic proposals reveals an extreme agenda that few Americans would have knowingly voted for.

One of the most important items on their list is ending Medicare, a goal that will likely surprise even many Tea Party supporters who rallied against "government healthcare" in 2010.

Indeed only 13 Republican candidates for the House of Representatives actually signed onto a plan offered by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., to end Medicare through privatization during the election. Now, somehow this apparently unpopular idea (at election time) has catapulted onto the top of the GOP agenda since his colleagues installed him as "budget czar" after amending House rules to give budget authority to a single person.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Ryan's plan to end Medicare would begin by giving Medicare beneficiaries a voucher to buy health insurance in the private market where the rising cost of care would quickly outpace the value of the voucher. Within decades Medicare beneficiaries would be receiving about one-fourth the value of medical benefits they currently receive.

Left unexplained is how seniors would pay for additional costs of care created by the Republican plan. Further, the plan fails to detail how private health insurance costs would be kept under control. That isn't really a concur for Republican economic planners.

In fact, the combination of their plan to repeal health reform and Medicare privatization would lead to spiraling healthcare costs that would make your head spin and your savings account shrink.

In addition to ending Medicare, the Republican economic plan seeks to destroy the Social Security program. First, the Republicans would slash Social Security benefits by 16 percent and then a few years later by 28 percent – under the guise of restoring "solvency." (They are ignoring government reports on the program that show its ongoing fiscal strength for decades to come.)

The plan would also divert some $1.2 trillion in public funds to what have proven to be risky private retirement accounts, essentially ensuring that guaranteed Social Security would end and force seniors to rely on the good will of Wall Street bankers like the Lehman Brothers and investors like con artist Bernie Madoff to keep their money safe.

But don't worry, the Republican plan doesn't have it in for everybody. The plan calls for massive new tax cuts for the very rich and powerful corporations.

Republican economic plans would provide an average of $1.7 million more in tax breaks for those with income of about $3 million or more, while putting in jeopardy the retirement security of the vast majority of working families who now or will rely on Medicare and Social Security in their retirement.

On the other hand, raising taxes on millions of low-income and middle-income working families (through elimination of the "earned income tax credit") and on 4 million small businesses (through health reform repeal) seems to run counter their supposed no new taxes pledge.

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  • Don't January 2012.. The US will have a different course.
    More tax breaks and tax cuts provided to the rich, powerful and those who can buy congressional influence. (Not a fair tax plan where everyone pays the same rate mind you). We know that President Regan promoted trickledown economics, maybe we can use his policies to get more GOP on board.
    The elimination of Social Programs for the poor Social Security and Medicare are not needed. People need to take care of themselves.. The eradication of all the so-called protection put into place in the last few years, so that poor people can get credit cards and banks can make big loans to poor people at high interest rates, this will help them not be poor. The elimination of anything that provides workers any ability to defend themselves, we need more right-to work-states. NO More Unions, employees need to be able to work by the whim of their employers. The elimination of minimum wage, then we can compete with third world labor markets. We need to get rid of those EPA regulation so that companies don't have to pay to eliminate waste, and just be able to dump it in your water and air...after all it works for China. Companies can make more profits, and they will use their huge profits to hire more people. We are also contemplating the return of debtor prison, No more bankruptcies. People who go into debt must work to pay it off.
    Yes thing.... it will get better (for some)... the grand plan put forth by the bought and paid for members of the GOP (including the Tea Party) to take this country back
    We have anger, fear, aggression and Harry Bosco on our side so you will believe what we tell you, and many reader will just trust what they hear on the radio, and on TV, because they are just too stupid to check the facts for themselves, and can’t be bothered to think for themselves.
    Proud member of the GOP

    Posted by Richard Channing, 09/13/2011 1:04pm (13 years ago)

  • So....seniors who do not have private health insurance, only Medicare, will be left out in the cold. My husband, who is 100% disabled, relies on Medicare, and Medicare ONLY. What do we do then? I, myself, didn't have insurance when I required hospitalization & surgery which resulted in $250,000 in medical bills. I would have died had I not had the surgery. No, I don't have $250,000 on hand, so I pay what I can. But that's not good enough for the hospital, radiology, pathology, etc. I'm in collections. Not much I can do about it.
    Cut out Social Security, I guarantee you we will lose our home. And WHERE am I, disabled, and my husband, 100% disabled, going to go? We will, however, qualify for government assistance without the extra income. They'll make our house payment, utilities, and in-home care that I pay for out-of-pocket. So, in essence, the government will end up paying ANYWAY!
    STOP mothering other countries, catering to the immigrants who come in to OUR country, and start TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN!!!

    Posted by Joyce, 07/14/2011 9:31pm (14 years ago)

  • To destroy Social SECURITY and deprive Seniors and the needy.....would leave us drowning. This would prove to be heartless insanity. And..this is AMERICA?

    Posted by Ms Patricia Marek, 02/14/2011 2:47pm (14 years ago)

  • Links are provided.

    Posted by Joel, 02/10/2011 10:26am (14 years ago)

  • References please. (I'm not being rude, I'm on your side.)

    Posted by Robert, 02/10/2011 3:18am (14 years ago)

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