1.In the U.S. capitalist ideology has long sought to convince the majoirity of people that they belong to the “middle class” The traditional Marxist definition of “middle class” is
a. Those who own homes with mortgages and autos, tvs, and microwaves
b. Families where the husband is the bread winner and the wife the homemakers
c. Small business owners, storekeepers, landlords, self employed professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and managers/supervisors
d. all employed people not on welfare
2..One of Lenin’s great contributions to Marxism was his theory of imperialism. If Lenin were alive today he would seet which of the following as examples of his theory of imperialism
a. U.S. attempts to “contain” China
b. U.S and European Union support for the Kiev government in Ukraine against the people of Eastern Ukraine and Russa
c. U.S. actions against Venezuela
d. All of the aboce
3.Capitialists today have a schizophrenic view of the Peoples Republic of China, condemning it as a “totalitarian Communist country” and at the same time seeing it as an aggressive capitalist rival. The Chinese government sees its policy as
a. Restoring Confucian values once more making China the “Middle Kingdom” of the Asia
b. Developing socialist through a “social market economy with both public and private sectors and the public sector controlling internal investment capital
c. Establishing a “free enterprise, free market” economy
d. Reviving the" great proletarian cultural revolution"
4. Marxists concede that capitalist societies have made great achievements in the production and distribution of goods But Marxists contend that
a.. Free market economies" are the most productive
b. Large corporations "trickle down" wealth to the people
c. Technological progress under capitalism is the unintended consequence of capitalists drive for profit and can only be sustained by workers establishing a socialist economy
d. Capitalism lacks "spiritual values"
5. April is an important month in the history of both Marxist theory and the world socialist movement. It is the month that
a. The Peoples Republic of China was proclaimed
b. The Soviets overthrew the Provisional Government
c. Marx finished the writing of Capital
d. Lenin put forward his April Theses" in which contended the the Russian revolution can and must be transformed into a socialist revolution
Correct Answers to Last Month's Marxist IQ
4. a