Marxist IQ for this week by Norman Markowitz

Having had a few run ins recently with some  individuals I regard as left sectarians, I thought that I would dedicate this week's Marxist IQ to  a look at sectarianism and revisionism  right and left in the socialist and Communist movements historically

1. The 19th Century French revolutionary Auguste Blanqui  advocated

    a. the establishment of a liberal Republic

    b. a small group seizing the government in a coup  and then using it to make the revolution

    c. The arming  of peasants to surround the cities

    d.  the establishment of revolutionary trade unions


2. The doctrine of "permanent revolution," associated most with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, called for

    a. The necessity of expanding the Russian revolution rapidly into Europe or it would atrophy in Russia

     b. support for private capital and mixed economy in revolutionary  Russia

     c. The smashing of all capitalist states and their replacement with workers cooperatives

     d. Constructing socialism in the Soviet Union and protecting it from military encirclement

 3.  Mikhail Gorbachev is widely regarded by Marxist-Leninists as at very best a rightwing revisionist because

     a. He abandoned the Marxist-Leninist theory  of the antagonistic relationship of capitalist      and   socialist states  for the concept of a "common European homeland"

    b.  He abandoned the Marxist theory of both class struggle and the class nature of       technological development for the class neutral theory of a "scientific technological revolution"

    c. He abandonned the Marxist-Leninist concept of the Communist Party as a  revolutionary vanguard party of the working class both in the Soviet constitution and in practice

   d. All of the above

4.  Although there continues to be major debate on this question,  many Marxist analysists regard Mao Tse-tung's support for the "Cultural Revolution" as

   a, a realistic understanding the Confucian culture was the main enemy

   b. a non materialist attempt to transform the base from the superstructure of the mode of   production

   c. an understanding that in dialectical thought, the base and the superstructure are interchangeable

d. An attempt to prevent Soviet revisionists from subverting the Chinese Communist Party


5. One of the oddest U.S. left  sectarians was Max Schachtman, a Trotsky supporter who left the Communist party to form the Socialist Workers Party, later left the Socialist Workers party to lead the Workers party and later supported supported anti-Communist AFT leader Albert Shanker.  Schachtman bizarre political jouney is best seen in

a.  his support of WWI, WWII and opposition to the Korean and Vietnam Wars

b. his support of WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and oppositin to the Vietnam War

c. his opposition to WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and support for the Vietnam War

d. His support for WWI, opposition to WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War


Answers to last week's Marxist IQ









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  • 1. b

    2. a

    3. d

    4. b

    5. d

    Posted by Sean Mulligan, 06/25/2012 3:00am (13 years ago)

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