Articles > July 2010
July 2010

2010 Election Fight: Labor Movement Leads
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, United Mine Workers of America 54th Constitutional Convention, Las Vegas, NV July 26, 2010 Brothers and sisters, I am proud to work for 11.5 million union workers across America, and I think about them every single day.

Global Warming and Wild Flowers
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I've noticed that wildflower blooms in the mountains have been coming earlier and earlier in recent years.

GOP Hypocrisy on Immigration
Original source: America's Voice Online GOP Hypocrisy on Immigration: Talking Tough While Stonewalling Attempts to Fix the Problem While Tom Tancredo Wing of GOP Vows to Impeach Obama Over Immigration, Gov. Christie Shows Another Way Forward Washington, DC - As anti-immigrant ringleaders whip themselves into a frenzy over illegal immigration, and continue a strategy that is both bad for the Republican Party and bad for the country, some reasonable Republicans suggest another way.
Restore the Estate Tax
Both capitalists and workers might agree on one thing: it's time to restore the estate tax.

"This Law is Very Unjust"
Original source: New America Media Teresa Mina was a San Francisco janitor, member of Service Employees Union Local 87, when she was fired because the company said she didn't have legal immigration documents.

How to Buy Organic and Save a Buck
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What are the most important foods to buy organic? -- Rachel Klepping, Bronxville, NY Given the usual higher prices of organic versus conventionally-grown foods, it can be a challenge to get the biggest bang for our buck while eating healthy and avoiding the ingestion of synthetic chemicals along with our nutrients.
Georgia: Fulton County Responds on Mental Health Changes
Original source: The Atlanta Progressive News (APN) ATLANTA -- Fulton County has responded to a previous report by Atlanta Progressive News concerning several changes made in recent months by Fulton County which have resulted in fewer clinics serving low-income residents who have no insurance or Medicaid.
Criminals By Any Other Name
That Kwiatkowski guy sure is looking like a glowing example police integrity compared to Carol Horne isn't he? The thought of uniformed police officers openly drinking alcohol, even in a bar smacks of a lack of respect for their standing as law enforcement officers, the department and the taxpayers of Buffalo as a whole.
No Happy Anniversary for Minimum Wage Workers July 24
Value of minimum wage lower than 1956; Faith, community, business coalition calls for raise July 24 is the anniversary of last year's raise in the federal minimum wage and no new increases are scheduled.

Wind Power Without Wind?
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I heard that some wind farms use fossil fuels to power their generators when the wind won’t.