Articles > July
India: More Evidence of Jobless Growth
Original source: People's Democracy
Michigan Republicans Forcing a "Race to the Bottom" on Environment
Report: Racial Wealth Gap at Record Levels
The Pew Research Center has just released stunning statistics on the aggravation of inequality by race, ethnicity, class and gender since the onset of this depression.

The Jobs Crisis Will Not Be Cured with the Same Policies that Created It
The Jobs Crisis Will Not Be Cured with the Same Policies that Created the Crisis; Experts and National Leaders Agree, Explore Job-Creating SolutionsJuly 11, 2011
The Meaning of Blair Mountain
The Battle of Blair Mountain, in Logan County, West Virginia was the largest armed insurrection since the Civil War. For five days in late August and early September 1921 15,000 miners confronted an army of police and strikebreakers backed by coal operators during a struggle by the miners for the right to collectively bargain and to end horrendous working conditions and poverty in the southwestern West Virginia coalfields.

How to Find Green Jobs
EarthTalk® E - The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I'm looking for the best places to search for green jobs but am having trouble locating them on traditional job search sites.