Editors' Blog
David Harvey, Marx’s method and the enigma of surplus
Last Friday in London, David Harvey gave the Isaac Deutscher Memorial Lecture to a packed audience at the Historical Materialism Conference 2011. Harvey had won the 2010 Isaac Deutscher prize for the best Marxist book of the year with The Enigma of Capital (http://www.amazon.com/Enigma-Capital-Crises-Capitalism/dp/0199836841). So he gave a lecture this year. ...
Toon of the Day
via Carl Bloice
Bloice's Quote of the Day
via Carl Bloice
For the Supercommittee, No Deal Is Better Than a Bad Deal
As the supercommittee’s November 23 deadline approaches, some commentators contend that failure to reach an agreement would have serious adverse ramifications for financial markets and the economy. These concerns are largely misplaced, according to a new analysis from economists at Goldman Sachs Research, Q&A on the Super Committee(November 9, 2011).
Three Videos
Summary: There is a lot of confusion about China and its unions in the world workers' movement.
Disabled in America--Liberty and Justice for Some?
Liberty and Justice for some?