Editors' Blog
Marx and the Importance of work n philosophy: Interview with Lucien Seve
ORIGINAL FRENCH ARTICLE: « Marx : l’importance politique du travail philosophique » Lucien Sève
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Have you heard our interviews with singer Billy Bragg, scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, or agitator John Nichols?
New podcast available
Africans and the Globalization of White Supremacy, Part 2
New podcast: African Americans and the Globalization of White Supremacy, Part 1
On this episode we play the first of our two-part interview with historian and author Andrew Zimmerman on his new book, Alabama in Africa: Booker T. Washington, the German Empire, and the Globalization of the New South.
New podcast available
We want to send a shout out to the working families of Wisconsin who are standing up to the abuses of power by the Republicans who want to balance their state's budget on the backs of working people to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
New podcast posted: Interview with author Clarence Lusane
Race and the White House, an Interview with Clarence LusaneOn this episode we play our interview with historian Clarence Lusane, author of The Black History of the White House from City Lights Press.
New podcast up – interview with award-winning historian Blair L.M. Kelley
Political Affairs #126 – Boycotting Jim Crow: The Original Anti-Segregation MovementOn this episode we speak with historian Blair L.M. Kelley about her new book Right to Ride: Streetcar Boycotts and African American Citizenship in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson, recently out by University of North Carolina Press.
New podcast up
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New interview coming soon!
Just interviewed Jamie Wilson author of Building a Healthy Black Harlem (Cambria Press).