Editors' Blog
Broadly speaking: Rational views on the Republican's anti-working families budget plan
-----HOUSE BUDGET PROPOSAL IS POLITICAL AND DISINGENUOUSPurports to balance the budget but slashes programs for the poor, maintains tax breaks for the wealthy(Washington, D.C.) Following is a statement by Alan W. Houseman, executive director of CLASP, the Center for Law and Social Policy, regarding the U.S. House budget proposal for FY 2012.
Planned Parnethood Slams GOP Leaders for Doubletalk
From an e-mail to the press from PPFA PR person:
GOP Members of Congress Should Reject Taxpayer Funded Health Care Plan
Today, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) called on Republican Members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to abstain from enrolling in the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP).

The Wall Street Journal just loves, loves, loves capitalism
Two stories from this Wall Street Journal this week reveal a rather low level of journalistic quality at that Republican Party aligned publication.