Cuba Denounces Capture of UN Summit Objective

United Nationes, Sept 16 (Prensa Latina) President of the Cuban Parliament Ricardo Alarcón denounced on Friday that the objective of the UN summit was kidnapped amid devious manipulations, and said 'we are facing an unforgivable fraud.'

In his speech before the high-level plenary of the 60th period of sessions of the UN General Assembly, Alarcón recalled that the essence of the meeting was to examine 'progress achieved in fulfilling obligations included in the Millenium Declaration.' Progress derived from UN conferences and summits were also expected to be revised. 'This purpose has been completely distorted,' he stressed.

Cuba's President of the National Assembly of the People's Power said that 'those who think they own the planet note ven want to remember those promises proclaimed with hypocritical pomp and ceremony.'

He reiterated the eight Millenium Development Goals, which were supposed to be mostly achieved by year 2015 and which he termed modest, including to wipe out extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education and promote gender equality.

Others are to reduce infant mortality, improve maternal health, fight HIV/AIDS and other transmisible illnesses, guarantee environment sustainability and develope global alliances for development.

'This was what we were supposed to be discussing here now, in order to launch strong, urgent actions that make us progress. This was supposed to be the obligation of this summit. But we are facing an unforgivable fraud. The purpose of this meeting was kidnapped amid devious manipulations,' he stressed.

Those who think they are the owners of the planet 'are trying to impose an alleged UN reform that only seeks to fully dominate the Organization and turn it into an instrument of its global dictatorship,' Cuba's top legislador said.

'They seek to turn war and dominance into rules to be obeyed by the entire world without rebel. On their way, supported by docile coryphaei, they turn the Charter into dust, try to reduce the Secretariate to a servile tool and insult the Assembly, as well as the entire world the Assembly represents,' he stressed.

Alarcón asked 'in the name of what?, of a power whose ignorance prevents it to see is limits?, of a false opposition to terrorism in order to massacre entire populations and lead thousands of US young people to death?

Of a policy that, protects with cynicism a convicted, confessed terrorist like Posada Carriles and at the same time holds in prison, in violation of its own laws, five inocent people who were really fighting terrorism?, he added.

Alarcón said that 'greed, selfishness, irrationality will lead us to a catastrophe from which those who refuse to accept a different world of solidarity and justice won't survive either.'

A world without hunger or poverty, which provides health, education and dignity for all, free from oppression ad discrimination, without wars, blockades or exploitation of the weaker.

Alarcón said that though the powerful may pretend not to believe it, poor peoples have the right to develope and will continue fighting for it.'They will continue seeking it beyond these walls, beyond this room.'

He said that despite the blockade, he harassment and the threats, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas(ALBA), which he termed an example of solidarity, is emerging.

This project that is bringing back hope to many, builds real integration and development, and announces a better world we will be able to conquer. The ALBA is moving forward from the South, he Cuban leader concluded.