Calling for Wisconsin and Against Do Nothing Sectarianism by Norman Markowitz

I just returned from calling Wisconsin teachers in a labor phone bank of New Jersey's National Education Association  and our own Rutgers AAUP-AFT.  .  While I was mostly leaving messages, I did get through to a  few teachers and their families.  One  particularly I would like to share with our readers.

She was retired teacher who at first had her answering machine on because she was sick of solicitation calls.  But she picked up the receiver as I began my message.  She told me that while she was legally bind, she had been campaigning against Walker, stuffing evenvelopes against him, even sending money to his opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Barrett.  She understood the importance of defeating Walker and also knew about our governor in New Jersey, a heavyweight version of Walker with the same featherweight mentality.  When I talked about the difficulty in fighting the corruption and money in politics, she was hopeful that decent people cound and would stop Walker and that whatever happened tomorrow the fight must go on.

I thought of that teacher in response to two nasty comments that I received for my  previous blog article on the Battle for Wisconsin when it was posted on the Bell Forum. 

 Let me say that I have nothing against the Bell Forum, but I was unable to regsister whatever I did and respond, even though   I would be responding to  a leftism that is pre infantile, that most would consider  i not worth worth  any response,

I  will respond in kind because  knee jerk attacks on all Democrats in response to any attempt to build a united front agaisnt the Republican right, is out there as a kind of pseudo politics, a "position" that in our context make be called, Anarcho-Knucklehead.

Someone using the pseudonym Blind Pig, called me "Norm"(I have friends who call me that but this was  clearly no friend) and saw the whole thing as the  Democratic party's trouble--the usual jazz  that , Walker Obama Romney all result in same policy, that  the CPUSA is holding the people back.  Blind Pig even through some dirt on my series of Dimitrov, even though Dimitrov was condemning and fighting  exactly the kind of self-isolating, self-segregating sectarianism that neither teaches nor learns from the working class. 


Blind Pig(not really  a pseudo nym to rally the masses) really is blind in a way that that farsighted retired teacher never  would be. Another responder who took my comparision of Walker with Joe McCarthy out of context to use the kind of language that William Z. Foster, responding to a Hearst Press labor baiter, called "toilet journalism" also threw his pebble thinking perhaps it was a stone.  Actually, Howard Stern would be more of a role model for the second "anarcho-knucklehead."

I hope to return to the phones tomorrow and urge our readers to contact their unions and their central labor councils to see  if they can volunteer for the final push. 

Actually, the fact that the national Democratic party has not gone all out for the recall drive and the way that many organizational Democratic leaders have defined the recall drive as a last resort deserves criticism. 

 But these organization Democrats, who as Dimitrov noted about social democrats and liberal parties in the 1930s Europe, may be more interested in their "soft seats" than in doing something to fight fascism, are not the trade unionists, working class activists, even many rank and file Democrats, who despise both what Walker represents and what he has done and will continue the fight against both, regardless of the outcome of tomorrow's recall vote.

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  • What does Leon Oliver think class solidarity is--the sort of policies of the KKE, who have atttacked everyone completely out of context. As for the Republican Right, what they are advocating and doing is much more than a return to "Robber Baron" capitalism. The campaigns to harass and deport undocumented workers? The cheering for the death penalty in Texas and other states? The voter suppression campaigns aimed at African-Americans and other minorities? It is "criminal" to ignore this, to pretend that we can somehow invent working class consciousness that will magically either overthrow or drop out of the larger political system.
    First, we don't support the Democratic party but support the trade union movement and the mass forces who are in resistance to reaction and austerity. To do anything else would be to isolate ourselves. Dimitrov's work is directly relevant to today's sectarians, like Blind Pig and yourself. He certainly supported the CPUSA's support for the developing New Deal coalition, even though that meant accepting a Democratic party which at the time had vicious Southern racist elements within it. He supported the policy of the French Communist Party in continuing to support the Popular Front government even when the liberals within it refused to aid the Spanish Republic. He did not take the position of the Trotskyists and Anarchists of that period, which is really what you are taking today. I could go on but why bother. Talking to sectarians is talking to a wall and sectariams talk to themselves
    Norman Markowitz

    Posted by norman markowitz, 06/10/2012 8:16pm (13 years ago)

  • I think that the problem blindpig, myself and others have with your approach (and that of the CPUSA) is at least two-fold. One, by supporting and advocating for Democratic politicians and policies, you are working against (not for) working class consciousness; right now, that consciousness is vital. And two, comparing Republicans to "fascists" is disingenuous, at best. While the Republicans' "return to the robber barons" mentality is hideous, the Democrats' championing of capitalism at every turn and to the blatant detriment of the working class is not different in kind - a difference that you and the CPUSA claim (if not expressly, then by implication).

    Lastly, taking Dimitrov out of context, as you did, and trying to apply his ideas and actions to these sorry uses is not just regrettable, but verges on the criminal. Calling workers names who long for a communist party of the KKE stripe in this country is not a method for working class solidarity, but the same old liberal, two-party politics you seem married to. It is shameful...

    Posted by Lelon Oliver, 06/05/2012 9:29am (13 years ago)

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