Bush Admin. Denies Brian De Palma Visa to Attend Havana Film Festival


12-06-07, 9:39 am

Havana, Dec 5 (acn) Renowned American film maker Brian de Palma could not attend the inauguration of the Havana's New Latin American Film Festival on Tuesday, in which his latest film 'Redacted' was screened, due to the harsh travel restrictions imposed by Washington.

'I feel deep love for the Cuban people; I am very identified with their culture; but it seems that the US State Department could not grant me a visa. So, have a coffee and milk toast to me,' said De Palma in his letter read by US producer Jennifer Weiss at the Havana Festival opening ceremony.

De Palma is often cited as a leading member of the New Hollywood generation of film directors, who either emerged from film schools or are overtly cine-literate. He is best known for directing the Al Pacino classic Scarface, and the Academy Award-winning film The Untouchables (for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Sean Connery).

The president of the Havana Film Festival, Alfredo Guevara, welcomed the visitors to the event and recalled that 40 years ago, the city of Vina del Mar was the birthplace of the New Latin American Cinema.

'We are marking the 40th anniversary of the birth of the New Latin American Movie and the 40th anniversary of the murder in Bolivia of Ernesto Che Guevara,' said the president of the Film Festival.

'A new dawn appears in Latin America with new generations bringing new and encouraging messages,' said Guevara.

The inauguration gala of the Festival featured Argentinean songwriter Fito Paez, who played some of his most popular songs.

Some 500 films will be screened during the Festival until next December 14.

From Cuban News Agency