Articles > April 2010
April 2010

Reform or Revolution
Abraham Lincoln composed the first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation for a cabinet meeting in July 1862. He believed, however, that a Union victory on the battlefield was necessary in order that the proclamation would appear both crediblee and strong.
A Marxist and a Gentleman
Original source: Himal South AsianJyoti Basu (1914-2010) slipped into the night.
Obama Scores Points for Transparency
The Obama administration has scored high marks for curbing lobbyist influence and transparency, says a new report by a group of government watch dogs.According to the report jointly authored by Common Cause, Democracy 21, the League of Women Voters and US PIRG, "The cumulative effect of the administration's actions has been to adopt the strongest and most comprehensive lobbying, ethics and transparency rules and policies ever established by an administration to govern its own activities."The report covered seven areas, of which the administration earned "A's" or "B's" in six.First, the president changed the rules governing the ability of former administration officials to find jobs as lobbyists.