Still singing tonight about Scott Brown and
His dismissal of the heritage and lives of
The family of Elizabeth Warren and their
Cultures mixed as they were like so many
Of the rest of us Americans and our blood
We fell in love as all people do and the best
Of us didn't worry about how dark or light
The skin was or the hair's texture or how
Wide our noses were or the shape of our
Cheekbones. We loved and learned from
One another whether to fry or stew okra
Who could best imitate the scream of a
Panther in the Mississippi River bottomlands
The last panthers east of that river that
Split the continent. Maybe Ms. Warren's
Grandmas made cornbread or biscuits like
Mine or told stories on warm summer nights
Like mine or maybe her Grandpas taught her
And the boys to shoot what you could eat
And catch the fish you were willing to clean
Ms. Warren is beyond all that now even
Though some of get fresh sheller peas or
Mustard greens still or barbecues coon or
Wild hog roasted over an open hickory fire
See what Scott Brown and his pretty frat
'Boys don't know is when they make fun of
Her Cherokee or Delaware, they fun
Of my Cherokee and Chickasaw and African
There is not one race or ethnicity in this
Country, but so many and we still
Struggle to learn and live together and to
Honor one another and our people and how
We live and look and how proud we are of
The ancestors who traveled the Trail of
Tears and the others who hid in the
Mountains they knew from hunting there.
Scott Brown and his pretty frat boys don't
Even know these things. Posing for hand
Commercials don't leave time to learn
How people learned to live with each other
Across lines that only frustrate life.
Stewart Acuff
Silver Spring, MD
Appeared in Blue Collar Review Winter 2012-2013