A Marxist IQ for the Memorial Day Weekend by Norman Markowitz

A Marxist IQ for Memorial Day


1.       At the time of the Franco Prussian War, the policy of  Karl Marx and the First International was to

a.       Support Bismarck’s Prussia against Napoleon III’s evil empire

b.      Support a pacifist policy against all wars

c.       Call for immediate revolution by French and Prussian workers

d.      Call for French and Prussian workers to fight to end the war and make  a peace without annexations


       2. During the American Civil War, the policy of Karl Marx and the First International was to

         a. Call for Southern and Northern Workers to rise up and overthrow their rulers

         b. Say that there was no difference between Northern Capitalists and Southern Slaveholders

         c. Support the Union and the Lincoln government as advancing a democratic revolution

         d. refuse to support the Lincoln government until it demanded the abolition of slavery


3.       At the outbreak of WWI in August, 1914, two socialist parties among   the powers who declared war   opposed the war.  Those parties were

a.       The Russian Mensheviks and the British Laborites

b.      The Russian Social Revolutionaries and the German Social Democrats

c.       The Russian Bolsheviks and the Serbian Socialists

d.      The Russian Kadets(Constitutional Democrats) the French Socialists


4.       Vladimir Lenin defined World War I as

a.       A war to make the world safe for democracy

b.      An imperialist war in which both sides fought to redivide the world

c.       A war to free the colonial peoples

d.      A war for Russia to protect its Slavic brothers


5.        Of nuclear war, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said famously that it

 a. Could be won with a “Star Wars” defense

 b. That the only way to prevent it was by “massive retaliation and “mutually assured destruction” (MAD)

c. That it was the only war in history where “the survivors would envy the dead”

d. That “We (the Soviet Union) will bury you (The United States)”

 last week's right answers





5.c (she is Mrs. Rupe Murdoch)



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  • 1. d

    2. c

    3. c.

    4. b

    5. d

    Posted by Sean Mulligan, 06/02/2012 6:08am (13 years ago)

  • 1. D

    2. c

    3. c

    4. b

    5. d

    Posted by Sean Mulligan, 05/27/2012 11:22pm (13 years ago)

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