GOP-appointed Judges Shame America
The federal Appeals Court decision to toss a lawsuit claiming contractors tortured detainees in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison is what you’d expect from a tyranny.
Energy Efficient Appliances
There has never been a better time to upgrade some of those older creaky appliances that are gobbling up much more energy (or water) than they need to in your home. Fortunately, most of the sifting-through to find the best values has already been done for you.
Recession Hits Non-profit Environmental Groups
Non-profits of every stripe have been suffering from the economic downturn. In a recent survey of 800 U.S.-based non-profits, 75 percent reported feeling the effects of the downturn, with more than half already experiencing significant cuts in funding from both government and private foundation sources.
The US Health Care System – Values and Priorities
Muskegon, Mich. – The current battles over American health care system are indicative of a wider philosophical and social divide. What is at stake, and what is the desired outcome of each side? First we must look at the current health care system as it exists in the United States.
Lonesome Hobo Economics: Mine Fields in the Health Care Endgame
I was ecstatic at the temper and pitch of President Obama's health care address. I accept in principle the President's position that the political instability arising from too dramatic a shock to the existing complex US healthcare system argues strongly for exerting every effort to avert the spread of panic or fear.
Joe Wilson's 'You Lie' Outburst Aimed at Immigration Wedge
After the disrespectful outburst by Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., during President Obama's speech to Congress on health reform this week, immigration reform advocates have stepped up their efforts to set the record straight about health reform and the immigration issue.
Atlanta Gay Bar Raided by Police, Harassment Seen
At approximately 11:30pm on Thursday, September 10, 2009, a gay bar in Atlanta, the Atlanta Eagle, was raided by the Atlanta Police Department (APD).
Leslie Crocker Snyder Should Not Be NYC's Next District Attorney
Former Judge Leslie Crocker Snyder and I have a history. Most would say it's a parallel relationship. Crocker was a 'hang em' high' judge who was infamous for handing out stiff drug sentences under the Rockefeller Drug Laws. I served a 15 to life sentence under these laws. Crocker wrote a book, 25 to Life, that documents her career as a tough prosecutor and judge.
Health Care Rally Held at Georgia Capitol
At least 1,000 people converged on the State Capitol Thursday, September 03, 2009, to rally for health care reform one more time before US Congress returns to Washington, DC, next week.
Hybrid Electric Boats
With concerns about climate change and the fate of the world’s imperiled oceans and waterways at an all time high, it makes sense that the boating industry would be looking into greener ways to try to do their part and to attract some of those increasing numbers of environmentally conscious customers.