
E. Michael McCann Empowers Rich Criminals, Imprisons the Poor

A Milwaukee Human Rights Roundtable on Sept 15 to follow up the UN Make Poverty History Program astonishingly includes Milwaukee District Attorney E. Michael McCann as guest commentator.

What cops already know: Tasers are unsafe

Probably the most compelling argument to date that the use of Tasers should be banned is the fact that several large police departments have now prohibited testing them on fellow officers during training exercises.

How to Pack a Green Lunch

When kids open their lunchboxes after a hard morning of the three Rs (readin’, ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmetic), they hardly expect to be learning about the other three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).

From Cuba to Queens: Who needs a revolution more?

Reading about the imaginative plans Washington's expatriate plotters have for a post-Castro Cuba, the thing that always sticks out is their lack of any grounding in reality.

The state should target the real drug kingpins

Right now there are almost 4,000 B-level felons serving time in New York State for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses for small amounts of drugs. Many of the defendants have drug-addiction problems.


Climate change and Health

Climate change accelerates the spread of disease primarily because warmer global temperatures enlarge the geographic range in which disease-carrying animals, insects and microorganisms--as well as the germs and viruses they carry--can survive.

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