Hell And High Water: Hurricane Katrina Hits US
THE havoc wreaked by Hurricane Katrina last week in the USA’s Gulf of Mexico region, and the response by the US government in terms of preparedness, rescue and relief, has shocked not only the people of the United States but also all other countries who have watched in disbelief as the world’s richest nation was seen floundering in the face of a natural disaster.
Chronology of a Failure to Stop Genocide: Bush Administration Policy on Darfur since September 9, 20
On this day last year, the White House declared that genocide was taking place in Darfur, Sudan. This announcement was the result of political pressure from Congress and citizen pressure from across the U.S. The legal finding was itself based on overwhelming evidence from a study of the region completed by the State Department the previous month.
Hundreds Rally at White House for 'A Day for Darfur'
To mark the one-year anniversary of the Bush Administration’s declaration of genocide in Darfur, Sudan, hundreds of activists joined leadership figures at a rally outside the White House today to denounce the continuing failure of political leadership from President Bush on this crisis.
News Roundup: Oil, Gas, Human Rights...all rare commodities
The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) this week exposed internal oil company memos that show how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits. The exposure comes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as the oil industry blames environmental regulation for limiting the number of US refineries.
In our pursuit for Global Justice and creating a better world that will uphold our heritage, we have come a long way. I stand before you today as an African woman. Somebody who experiences on a daily basis the pain and indignity of hunger, disease and illiteracy. For one who works at the grassroots level, it is a rare honour for me to be even given such an opportunity and I thank the organizers and all of you for this.
Helping the Blind to See: Venezuela's People First Policies
So, US televangelist Pat Robertson has ordered his million-strong 'brownshirt' army to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
World Offers Generous Aid to Katrina-hit US regions
The Chinese government has decided to offer disaster relief up to 5 million US dollars along with emergency supplies to the people in the the United States victimized by Hurricane Katrina, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said here Saturday
Communist Party, USA Demands Full Federal Support For Katrina Victims
Hurricane Katrina has inflicted an immense and unspeakable tragedy on the people of the Gulf Coast. The situation grows worse by the hour. The Mayor of New Orleans estimates that thousands have died and as many as 100,000 may still be trapped in the flooded city. Without food or drinkable water, time is running out for these men, women and children.
The Superdome: Monument to a Rotten System
There is nothing 'unnatural' about the disaster of New Orleans. When politicians smirk at global warming, when developers look at our wetlands and dream of mini malls, when billions are flushed in the name of war and tax-cuts, when issues of poverty and racism don’t even register in Presidential debates, all it takes is wind, albeit 145 mph wind, to expose a sturdy super power as a house of cards.
The President’s Priorities: State of Marriage Took Precedence over State of Louisiana
Why is President Bush more concerned with the state of marriage than the state of Louisiana? That’s what the New Orleans City Business paper asked in early February upon learning that Bush’s budget proposal recommended slashing $34 million from the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.