

First Ever Strike by Security Officers

Security officers struck San Francisco buildings for three days, the first strike by guards in U.S. history.


Grassroots Group Celebrates Delay of Game Attacking Venezuela

“The Venezuela Solidarity Network notes with pleasure that Pandemic Studios announced on Sept. 24, 2007 that it is delaying the release of its new video game Mercenaries 2: World at War which is set in Venezuela,” announced US Interim Coordinator Chuck Kaufman.


Despite Constitution, Army moving against Lt. Watada

The Army appears ready to retry First Lt. Ehren Watada a week from now—Tuesday, October 9—at Fort Lewis, Washington.


US House 2008 Funding Bill Would Cut 55,000 Vouchers

The Democratic-led US House recently passed an appropriations, or funding, bill for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development [as well as the Department of Transportation] which would cut 55,000 rental vouchers for low-income families


Where will you be on October 27th?

Tens of thousands of people around the country will be gathering in at least 11 major cities in all regions of the country on October 27th to demand an end to war in Iraq.


A Q and A For The People Of A Forsaken Republic

Over the last three decades, the authoritarian right has risen to create the nation they have been longing for since their humbling by the Watergate scandal. After being subdued and humiliated by the mechanisms of a free republic, the right has turned the tables.


To End Iraq War, People Power Organizes

The Chicago demonstration Oct. 27 is one of several regional actions United for Peace and Justice is organizing around the country to end the Iraq war, under the heading “Peace is possible.”


Pro-war Thugs Threaten to Kill Peace Activists

Book fairs like the one on the National Mall today are great places to go. I always attend the Los Angeles Times festival on UCLA campus. It is in April. Most of the time, a book fair is a safe place to be, a place to have intelligent discourse, share ideas or express different opinions.


Atlanta Housing Authority Evicting Single Mothers Late on Rent, despite Hardships

Several families are being evicted from Bowen Homes public housing community, as early as Tuesday, October 02, 2007, after they have fallen behind in their rent.


DeKalb County Delays Again on Grady Hospital

The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners agreed Tuesday, September 25, 2007, to defer voting on Grady Hospital issues before them for two weeks.

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