Music Review: Irish Folk vs. Punk
Good Fight ain’t the soundtrack to Riverdance. The new release by The Kissers from Madison, Wisconsin, far-removed from the birthplace of Irish folk rock only by time and space, will nevertheless transport you to when The Pogues rocked the new wave scene in the 1980s.
Cuban-made Drug Extends Life of Children with Brain Tumors
UP to 15 months of survival without significant side effects has been achieved in children suffering from brain tumors who were treated with the Cuban biopharmaceutical CIMAher, as part of Phase II of the clinical trials carried out by the German Oncoscience AG biotechnical company.
BOOK REVIEW: The Mind of Egypt
Today we know more about the civilization of Ancient Egypt than has been known since its own time. We must come to grips with his new knowledge, and especially with the recovered literature of the Egyptians and 'attempt' as Assmann says, 'to enter into a dialogue with the newly readable messages of ancient Egyptian culture and thus to reestablish them as an integral part of our cultural memory.'
HAITI: Reuters Journalist Beaten by Coup-president Alexandre's American Bodyguard
Coup Prime Minister Gerard Latortue had threatened Guyler Delva in the past with violence. Several journalist have been slain during the past couple of years, most notably by Abdias Jean who was assassinated in January by Haiti's national police (PNH) when he had filmed the police committing another assassination.
Two-Faced In Haiti: Call It Social and Not Political
From a peacekeeping concept - flawed and ineffective to be sure - based on separating warring factions, the UN has changed its shape to doing military operations to support a national police, arresting people and handing them over to a police force no one (including the people doing the handing over) trusts.
Judge Stops Bush Effort to Eliminate Federal Workers’ Rights
The Bush administration had asked U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer to narrow her Aug. 12 ruling blocking new personnel rules that would have virtually eliminated employees’ bargaining and workplace rights and ended civil service pay scales... A few days before the Oct. 7 ruling, AFGE President John Gage wrote DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff urging him to scrap the proposed rules and work with the unions to create a better system.
PAKISTAN: Three days after earthquake, health risks grow
The need to secure clean water supplies as quickly as possible was underlined by others involved in the huge rescue and relief effort. 'We are going to move to a very dangerous health situation. We need to make sure that fresh drinking water is brought in as soon as possible,' Andrew Macleod, spokesman for the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team, said in Islamabad.
We Can’t Let It Happen Here
Over a year ago, the comfort of my world severely diminished as I took my journey through the looking glass and discerned the ugly truths about the nation of my birth, the United States of America. “Logic and proportion” certainly seemed to have “fallen softly dead” when I discovered that much of what I had learned about my country as a child had been a lie.
Movie Review: Oliver Twist
To tell the truth, Oliver Twist was never one of my favourite Dickens characters. Actually, I haven't really liked many of his child characters, considering them to be nauseatingly twee.
India: How Strong Is India’s Balance Of Payments?
INVESTMENTS by Foreign Institutional Investors are not just contributing to the dizzy rise of the BSE Sensex to well over the 8500 mark, but shore up India’s balanc of payments as well and swell India’s foreign exchange reserves. Preoccupied with this, the media ignores new signs of economic vulnerability.