Capitalism’s Failures and the Struggle Forward
In this terrible time of global economic crisis it is most timely that we seek ways to expand and broaden our slogan 'workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite.' While our slogan has been around for many generations, today it has more meaning than ever.
National Leaders Call for Urgent Action on Jobs
The U.S. unemployment rate exceeded 10% in October for the first time in a quarter century. Nearly 16 million Americans who are able and willing to work cannot find a job. More than one out of every three unemployed workers has been out of a job for six months or more.

Hotel Workers Strike the San Francisco Hyatt Grand
The first of what may be many strikes hit San Francisco's Class A hotels, when workers launched a 3-day strike against the Hyatt Grand, one of the city's largest and most luxurious. The contract with the workers' union, UNITE HERE Local 2, expired in June.
Wisconsin Set to Teach Labor history
Shouldn’t it be natural for public schools to put labor history front and center? After all, it is the story of the working people who built the community. It is the story of their struggle for dignity, rights and a decent standard of living by organizing labor unions, building a labor movement and creating a diverse working-class culture.

Pics: San Diego – Land of Day Laborers, Farmworkers and Guest Workers
In Oceanside, Carlsbad, Del Mar and north San Diego County, immigrant day laborers wait by the side of the road, hoping a contractor will stop and offer them work.

The Coming Labor War in the NFL
When Rush Limbaugh was unceremoniously dumped in his efforts to secure a minority share of the St. Louis Rams, he may have been little more than collateral damage in a brewing collision between NFL owners and the NFL Players Association.

The Brief, Revolutionary Life of Joe Hill
Joel Emmanuel Haaglund (1878-1915), more commonly known as Joe Hill, was – and remains – the guiding force of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and stands as a vision of revolutionary arts for all of the labor movement.

Carlo Tresca: The Dilemma of an Anti-Communist Radical
A major gap in the radical history of the United States has at last been filled. Nunzio Pernicone’s Carlo Tresca: Portrait of a Rebel (New York, Palgrave, 2005) strongly argues for Carlo Tresca’s inclusion in the pantheon of the country’s venerable American revolutionaries.

Rebuilding the Labor Movement in the 21st Century, an Interview with Scott Marshall
It was an amazing continuation of where the AFL-CIO and the labor movement have been going in general. I think there was a fantastic amount of attention paid to questions of diversity, questions of opening up the ranks, and in particular real concern about how to bring young workers into the labor movement.

The Roller Coaster: The Communist Party in the 1940s
As the swastika flew over most of Europe and millions of German fascist troops drove toward Moscow in early 1941, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said, “we have put an end to 1776, 1789 and 1917,” referring to the American, French and Soviet revolutions.