A “New Deal” Model for the Obama Cabinet
As appointments and stories of appointments to President-elect Obama’s cabinet fill mass media, the interest in Doris Kearns Godwin’s fascinating study, Team of Rivals, which deals with Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War cabinet has been mentioned prominently.
Book Review: The Politics of Immigration
Jane Guskin and David L. Wilson have written an important book on immigrants and immigration policy. Though short, The Politics of Immigration packs quit a punch.
Home Depot Founder Wants to Shoot CEOs Who Disagree With Him?
They 'should be shot; should be thrown out of there goddamn jobs,' Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus said last month about business leaders who do not oppose the Employee Free Choice Act.
Impact of the Financial Crisis on 3rd World Economies
Emerging nations need their own stabilization funds, independent of the IMF, and its parent – the US Treasury which provides most of its financing. That was the conclusion of two experts at a seminar sponsored by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) this week in Washington, D.C.
Nationalization (Not Loans) Can Save US Auto
A raging debate is underway across the country, in Congress, and between the incoming Obama and outgoing Bush administrations on the fate of the US auto industry.
New Bush Admin. Rules Target Women, Workers
In a last minute move, the Bush administration this week the finalization of two major changes to federation regulations that will harm women and working families, labor leaders and women's health activists stated.
Book Review: The Politics of Immigration
Jane Guskin and David L. Wilson have written an important book on immigrants and immigration policy. Though short, The Politics of Immigration packs quit a punch.
Obama's Mandate for Change
In the aftermath of a truly historic election, the right-wing and its long-time centrist political allies have been trying to regroup and get a handle on just exactly what happened.
Election 2008: Where is the Center?
The battle to define the outcome of the 2008 elections began in earnest just seconds after the TV networks projected Barack Obama the winner. Most commentators focused on the historic nature of Obama's win, while conservatives immediately dropped their accusations that Obama advocated socialism.
Steelworkers Leader Urges Pro-working Families Agenda Under Obama
In a letter circulated this week to the staff and leadership of the United Steelworkers union (USW), USW President Leo Gerard expressed jubilation at the election of Barack Obama.