Latin America Heads For Socialism
Latin American heads of state signed a solemn “declaration” to commit themselves to promoting policies to reduce poverty at a three day summit in Santiago de Chile.

Colombia: Uribe’s Attacks on Highest Judicial Institutions
As Colombia's corruption scandal continues to heat up, Colombian President Álvaro Uribe has turned his anger on a longstanding nemesis: the country's Supreme Court.

Conversation with Chavez
I remember exactly what I told him that night when I asked him not sacrifice himself: that Allende could not rely on a single soldier to fight back and that he, on the other hand, could rely on thousands.

Bolivia’s “Agrarian Revolution” Hanging In
Land redistribution since 1952 has been a major, if intermittent, factor in Bolivian national life. In recent years it has attracted renewed interest, returning as a major economic initiative under President Evo Morales' 'Agrarian Revolution.'

Bush’s Blast against Latin America’s “False Populism” May be Getting it All Wrong
Politicians find it exceedingly difficult to explain free trade's virtues without drowning the listener in a torrent of common coinage.

The Monarchy's Clash with Socialism
In November 2007 at the Ibero-American Summit in Santiago de Chile, the King of Spain Juan Carlos pointed his finger at Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and asked him, 'Why don't you shut up?', after Chávez had called José María Aznar Spain's former Prime Minister a fascist.

Cristina Fernandez, Argentine President-elect, Talks about Hillary
First lady Cristina Fernandez, in her first televised interview since winning Argentina's presidency, thanked her husband for his role in her triumph and wished Hillary Rodham Clinton well in her U.S. election bid.
Bolivia Building Biodiversity Center
The Bolivian government is supporting a center for the much-dreamed ecological and academic study of natural and cultural biodiversity, local authorities reported.