Critical Thinking by Educated Voters Burst Neocon Bubble
The Democrats got their 7-million vote victory majority November 7th and regained control of Congress in good part from educated voters who think for themselves.

The Nov. 7 Elections and Our Path Ahead
It has long been clear that the main danger facing the world community is U.S. imperialism. In our view, curbing the interventionist war policies of U.S. imperialism is crucial to the self determination and sovereignty of all nations.

Canada: Capitalism: the ugly contradictions remain
Canadians are constantly told that 'we live in the best country in the world.' But millions still live in poverty, and everything positive that working people have struggled to achieve is being wiped out by corporations and rightwing governments. This excerpt from the Communist party of Canada's Draft Resolution for its upcoming 35th Central Convention presents the CPC's views on this stark contradiction.

Be All That You Can Be: Leave the Army
As long as there has been a U.S. military, people have been leaving it. That choice has never been more appropriate than today. Individuals who signed up to defend the United States are engaged in a war that was sold on the basis of lies.

Dick Cheney's Contempt for Congress
Many years ago, I received as a birthday gift an LP (also known as 'vinyl' to those unfamiliar with the format of sound recordings prior to compact discs and MP3's) entitled 'Richard Nixon Superstar' by vocal impressionist David Frye. One of the tracks featured Frye, as Rev. Billy Graham, saying of Richard Nixon: 'He ignored his critics. He ignored the polls. He ignored the wishes of the American people.' I am getting somewhat that same sensation about Vice President Dick Cheney.

CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program Makes 1st Delivery this Winter
CITGO Petroleum Corporation, in partnership with Citizens Energy Corporation, made its first delivery of discount heating oil of the 2006-2007 winter season here today.
May I Quote You, Mr. President?
'Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.' -- George W. Bush

One Person's Role in Fighting Global Warming
Driving less frequently, carpooling, and using public transport such as buses and rail can take a big bite out of the greenhouse gases and pollution you are personally responsible for.

'It is important that young people join our cause'
The following article is an interview with Irma Gonzalez and Elizabeth Palmeiro, the daughter and wife of Rene Gonzales, a member of the Cuban Five unjustly imprisoned in the United States. The interview was conducted bt Adam Glass and Jeff Tomlinson for Rebel Youth magazine, the publication of the Young Communist League of Canada. It was published in the November 16-30 issue of People's Voice, the leading communist newspaper of Canada.

Want to End the War? Ask for Investigations!
Public awareness of the lies that led to the war and the crimes committed during the war helps build public demand for the troops to come home. Not every committee in Congress can work fulltime on simply ending the war: a legislative process that must be pursued but which will be uphill and subject to veto or signing statement.