
Sheryl Swoopes: Out of the Closet--and Ignored

The muted response to Swoopes's revelation flows from the sexist treatment of women's athletics on sports pages, where the WNBA faces regular derision and the accomplishments of even elite female athletes--from Mia Hamm to Serena Williams--are downplayed or ignored... Somewhere, a girl may feel less alone and less of an outcast because someone like Swoopes--an African-American woman--has further diluted the taboo.'

El País de las Pesadillas: Sweet Dreams for America's Ruling Elite and their Sycophantic Loyalists

In spite of the overwhelming odds against it, I believe that the United States can become a more just and peaceful nation, and thus enable the world to awaken from its nightmares involving murder and mayhem inflicted by a sadistic maniac named Uncle Sam. Let's work together to make this possible.

ETHIOPIA: Gov't urged to end crackdown on the opposition

On Saturday, [Prime Minister Meles Zenawi] announced that an independent commission would investigate whether police used excessive force to quell last week's violence and similar protests in June, when at least 42 people were killed.Protests in the capital against the disputed 15 May elections began peacefully last Monday but turned violent on Tuesday and spread to other parts of the country.

IRAQ: More than 200 parties register for parliamentary elections

Some 228 coalitions and political entities have registered to participate in Iraqi parliamentary elections scheduled for 15 December, the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq has announced. 'We have successfully closed the registration period for those parties participating in elections,” Commission Spokesman Farid Ayar said in Baghdad on Saturday.

Chavez: FTAA Annexation Plan Perverse

The head of state, who declared Saturday the burial of that US initiative in front of over 450,000 people at the Mundialista Stadium, stated that those who adore that project will re-launch it, and he announced the creation of an Alliance against Hungry and Poverty.

The Bush-Cheney Ethics Refresher Course

Apparently the new 'ethics refresher course' at the White House is going to focus on reminding White House staff that classified information is not supposed to be told to reporters.Ethics Part 2, to be taught in the Spring, will delve into the appropriateness of endangering the life of a woman and her colleagues because you're pissed off at her husband...

Unless President Bush Responds Boldly, We Will Relive the Influenza Pandemic of 1918

The pandemic of 1918 is believed to have killed 675,000 Americans, more than the American casualties of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the war in Vietnam combined. It’s estimated that the current flu strain would kill millions of Americans. Dr. Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, has called the bird flu pandemic “the single greatest risk to our world today.”


Book Review: Chemical Warfare in Colombia

Not since the mass spraying of Agent Orange in Vietnam has there been such a heinous crime against humanity as that now being perpetrated on the people of Colombia.


South American Protests: Bush Is the Most Hated Man in the History of the World?

There may be a collection of fifty or sixty million blue collar NASCAR dads, fascist Christians, neo-nazis, racists, greedy pig rich people who unpatriotically refuse to pay their fair share in taxes, and the corporate traitors to humanity and the planet... even to life itself, who prefer to support money over the environment, biodiversity and a world that supports humans.

Grim King George and the Price of Paving Paradise

On a cloudless November morning, I stroll lazily along the sidewalk listening to an old Joni Mitchell tune, Big Yellow Taxi. And while Joni sings the refrain, it occurs to me that her words provide an apt epitaph for the end of Grim King George’s reign: “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve gone till it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”

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