More Than 50 Groups Urge Bush Not to Offer Military Assistance to Indonesian President
“If the Bush administration truly made promotion of democratic reform a top priority, then it would not be proposing to prop up the Indonesian military, the country’s least democratic institution,” said Karen Orenstein, Washington Coordinator of the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN), which organized the letter
Sudan: Activists Urge Action Against Darfur Atrocities
US activists released an open letter to President Bush at a press conference Tuesday calling for specific and immediate actions to stop ongoing atrocities in the Darfur region of the Sudan.
New Latin American TV Network:TELESUR, a Channel with a New Vision
TELESUR seeks to offer services similar to those of CNN, TVE or BBC, but includes documentaries and films.Unlike other television networks, it will show audiovisual productions by the Latin American social movement and independent producers.(Inspired from) a proposal by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Venezuelan Newspaper Blows Whistle on US Ambassador
Venezuela´s VEA newspaper accused the US ambassador, William Brownfield, of encouraging secessionism as a way to confront the policy of President Hugo Chavez...VEA´s editorial suggested that the US embassy explain Brownfield´s serious statements in his recent trip to the rich oil Zulia state.
Russian Communist Party Condemns Anti-Cuban Maneuvers
'We are all perfectly aware that for more than four decades, tens of thousands of violent actions against the Island and its Revolution have been prepared and financed on US territory,'
On the Brink of 'Complete Strategic Failure' in Afghanistan
Apparently, Britain is a bit less optimistic than we are about the state of affairs in Afghanistan. Britain, for instance, is of the opinion that the U.S.-led coalition faces a 'complete strategic failure' in Afghanistan. To stave off such a failure, Britain is preparing to send up to 5,500 more troops to Afghanistan, a ten-fold increase of their current military presence there.
Wednesday’s Suriname Elections: No Small Matter
Suriname could become the next member of the new left movement that is sweeping across South America...The opposition National Democratic Party (NDP) has accused the U.S. of interfering in the countryís electoral process...(The)sparsely populated South American nation of Suriname will hold general elections on May 25, attracting the attention of international players ranging from the Netherlands and Brazil to the United States.
Soccer: Mr. Ronaldo Goes to Palestine
... heroes don’t always rise to the level of heroism. This was seen last week when Ronaldo traveled to Palestine in his official capacity as Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations He inaugurated a youth center in Ramallah and announced to a crowd of 1,500 people that his visit was part of a campaign for Middle East peace
This is the only book in English that covers the development of the history of philosophy and its intersection with Christianity during the entire course of the history of the Eastern Roman Empire from the fall of Rome and the Western Empire to its own fall in 1453 A.D....We should feel some solidarity with Plethon even 550 years on as, Tatakis says, he believed “happiness emanates from the organization of the state” and in his memoirs, he “emerges... as the forerunner and anticipator of many socialist and other modern concepts.”
New U.S. doctrine proposes nuclear strikes
The new doctrine proposes eight specific cases in which regional commanders in the Pacific and other theaters may request presidential approval to carry out a nuclear strike.