Bush Attacks Freedom to Travel
The US/Cuba Labor Exchange points out the inherent hypocrisy in the Bush administration’s policy on travel to Cuba. While threatening trade unionists with fines and imprisonment for attempting to exercise their freedom of movement, the administration has fostered an environment in which US companies freely move jobs, technology and investment overseas without a second thought.
Statement from Protestant Leaders: 'Congress Should Reject This Budget'
In response to the FY 2006 Budget Conference Report to be considered by Congress, five mainline protestant leaders issued the following statement.
Truth vs. Fantasy in the Pages of the Times
The New York Times, the paper of record, and all the news that’s fit to print, etc., likes to think of itself as a sophisticated and intelligent publication.
Bankruptcy, prisons and work
The bankruptcy reform bill that President Bush just signed into law will do more than discipline those who live riotously on loans without paying them back in full.