
Iraq Anniversary, Part 1

As we approach the fourth anniversary of “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” even the most blind and bigoted understand what a catastrophe it has been. Billed as a plan to liberate Iraqis, it has indeed liberated uncounted numbers from all earthly woes.

Antiwar Movement Marks 4th Anniversary of Iraq War with Protests in All 50 States

As the 4th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq approaches, United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) released information today about plans for local antiwar activities around the country in the coming days.

Clinton Takes Step Back on War Plan

According to today’s New York Times Hillary Clinton has decided to keep American troops in Iraq should she become the next president She is quoted in an article by Michael Gordon and Patrick Healy.

Global Warming And Bangladesh

This is indeed a great long-term ambitious plan of Europe to reduce emissions by 20% by 2020 although it remains to be seen how effective an example Europe will set.

Iraq: Why have the US' 'loyal allies' withdrawn?

As early as 2004, countries began to withdraw their troops from Iraq. Immediately after the Madrid train bombings in March of 2004, the new Spanish government announced it was withdrawing its troops from Iraq immediately.

Regime Change Deja Vu

If one had been watching or (for those worshipers of relics) reading the news of late, one could easily be forgiven for being wholly unaware of the numerous signs pointing ominously to an eventual, if not imminent, preemptive, regime-changing attack by the United States and its proxies upon Iran.

Union Calls for War's End; Democrats Push for Withdrawal

In a statement released this past week, the AFL-CIO, the country's largest trade union federation, called for ending US military involvement in Iraq.

No Medals for Agustin Aguayo

Doing the right thing can be costly, but in the end one can at least sleep at night. Ask Spc. Agustin Aguayo, 35, a U.S. citizen born in Guadalajara, Mexico, who was just sentenced by a US military court in Wurzburg, Germany.

The Redirection: A Strategic Shift in Iraq?

Seymour Hersh in a recent issue of The New Yorker (3-05-07) has written an article suggesting the Bush administration has made a strategic shift in Iraq (“The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?”)

US Normalizing Relations with the 'Axis of Evil'

On March 6 2007, North Korea and the US concluded their first set of normalisation talks, which are part of the agreement reached in Beijing last month.

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