Cease hypocrisy on the issue of Human Rights
The 62nd Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights will begin next March 20th in Geneva, coinciding with the broadcasting of new footage of US military torturing Iraqi prisoners.
India-Brazil-South Africa: The Southern Trade Powerhouse Makes its Debut
A trilateral agreement seems like a logical step for countries that are preparing to go beyond merely committing themselves to amplifying their emotional, political and historical relations.
Mad cow disease found in U.S.
A cow in Alabama has tested positive for mad cow disease, the Agriculture Department said Monday, confirming the third U.S. case of the brain-wasting ailment.
Running-Amok with John Bolton
John Bolton’s tenure at the United Nations has been relatively unsurprising. He was shoehorned into his position by presidential edict although the Senate openly opposed his appointment.
Women of the World vs. Bush
The Bush administration's policies (as well as the likeminded anti-women fundamentalism of many regimes throughout the world that are allied with the Bush administration) threaten the lives and health of millions of women and girls.
Peru's Presidential Elections: The Military Issue
Three major candidates are the prime contenders to become Peru's next president when the country goes to the polls on April 9 to elect a new leader and congress.
Venezuela: Defending Its Rights
President Hugo Chavez's firm rebuff to those plotting to dismember his country in the interests of energy transnational corporations reflects, doubtless, the sentiments of the Venezuelan people.
Secretary Rice Out to Inoculate Latin America
Secretary of State Rice declared that she intended to pursue an “inoculation” strategy against Venezuela.
Imperial Faultlines
With every passing day it becomes ever clearer that the regime of George W. Bush has been wounded severely both domestically as a result of his criminal negligence in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and globally, as a result of the illegal invasion of Iraq.
About That Anthrax
For a country that attacked and is still attacking Iraq for possessing nonexistent biological weapons, the United States has a strange history.