Obama Creates Working Families Task Force
President Barack Obama began this week the arduous task of reversing the Bush administration's anti-working families policies. Welcoming labor movement leaders, small business owners, and representatives of not-for-profit groups to the White House Friday, Jan. 30, Obama issued three executive orders that will promote the rights of workers.
Israeli CP Launches Election Campaign Against Extremism
Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) launched its new election campaign today (Monday, January 26, 2009) ahead of the nearing general elections, and has chosen to focus on the fight against fascism and racism.
Japan: Illegal to Send MSDF to Somalia
The Liberal Democratic and Komai parties on January 22 held an anti-piracy project team meeting and agreed on sending Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels to the sea off Somalia in Africa as early as March.
Obama and the Ultra-right Media
In their classic post-World War II study Prophets of Deceit, sociologists Leo Lowenthal and Norbert Gutterman analyzed the kind of media demagoguery that has become popular in America again.
White House Blog Pledges Obama's Signature on Fair Pay Bill
With the hubbub over the Senate votes on President Obama's cabinet nominations and the Republican stonewalling on the economic recovery package pending in Congress, little attention has focused on the change that has already happened.
First Acts: Obama Launches New Direction for US
The first official acts of President Barack Obama highlight the 180-degree from Bush policies and philosophy his administration has already begun to take.
A Prayer for the Nation and Our Next President, Barack Obama
O God of our many understandings, we pray that you will… Bless us with tears – for a world in which over a billion people exist on less than a dollar a day, where young women from many lands are beaten and raped for wanting an education, and thousands die daily from malnutrition, malaria, and AIDS.

The Obama Doctrine: The 'Open Hand'
In what will be one of the most remembered inaugural speeches in US history President Barack Obama urged the unity of all the people to restore an image of America as democratic and to overcome the troubles that face it. Mixing jeremiad with poetry, sermon with history lesson, he emphasized a new philosophy for measuring prosperity and outlined a new foreign policy.
A 'Farewell Address' to George W. Bush
I thought I should say a very long overdue goodbye, Mr. Bush, although we will be living with the consequences of your administration for a long time. I saw your 'farewell address' and you ended I thought as you began — something of a befuddled fool.

Obama Lifts Global Hopes
People across the globe believe Barack Obama will improve US relations with the rest of the world, a new survey for the BBC World Service released this week showed.