Iraqi Progressives Ready to Elect National Assembly
Despite the ongoing violence aimed at undermining the political process, Iraq’s communists plan full participation in what they see as the first step on the only viable path toward real national liberation and sovereignty – Sunday's elections.
US Plans for Long Occupation; Japan Agrees to Help
The Pentagon plans for 2-year long occupation of Iraq, and Japan agrees to send troops to Iraq depsite political opposition.
Iraqi railway workers strike over attack
Railway workers in the Iraqi city of Basra have walked out on strike to voice their anger over a spate of attacks on transport workers across the country.
US Soldier Refuses Service; Dutch to Withdraw
Another US service member refuses to return to Iraq because of his revulsion at the destruction of Iraq's civilian population. Dutch government orders troop withdrawal by March.
Torture Scandal Continues; Bush Can't Find WMD in Iraq
The Bush administration finally admits that there were no WMD in Iraq, shattering its main reason for starting the war there. Also, Abu Ghraib torture suspect blames superiors.
Where is the left on Iraq?
When he was 21 years old, Hadi Salih was seized from his home in Baghdad by Saddam Hussein's secret police and summarily sentenced to death.
U.S. Soldiers Flee to Canada to Avoid Service in Iraq
Because of the senseless tragedy, an estimated 5,500 men and women have deserted the U.S. military and many have fled to Canada rather than fight in Iraq.
Iraqi Labor Movement Fights for a Democratic Iraq
As Iraq heads for its January 30 national elections, a free, democratic Iraq is the main goal of its organized working class sector.
Why trade unions offer vital hope for Iraq
Hadi Salih was killed on Tuesday last week. He had tried to get some independent trade union activity going in Iraq under Saddam.
A Matter of Life and Death
'We are fighting for a democratic modern state, which will enshrine political freedoms and rights and ensure that there is no return to dictatorship or authoritarianism under any guise, whether nationalist or religious.'