Recovery Act Promotes Green Business
Even though the push to create green jobs is getting the lion’s share of business news headlines right now, almost $7 billion of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, the stimulus bill President Obama signed into law earlier this year, has been allocated to help businesses reduce their environmental footprints in any number of ways.

Publix’s Harvest of Shame 2009
Forty-nine years ago this past Thanksgiving CBS aired Edward R Murrow’s exposé on the exploitation of migrant farm works in the US. Today many of the same conditions that existed in the agricultural fields of 1960 are still in place.

Put Young Workers to Work!
‘Twas the night before the unemployment reports, and all through the clearing,
Young workers slept haunted by jobs disappearing;
Having gone into debt for training and education,
Only to discover no jobs available in their vocations

The Change We Seek: The Obama Presidency At One Year
The first year of the Obama administration is almost in the books, and pundits across the political spectrum are assessing its accomplishments.