AFL-CIO's long-range political strategy
Organized labor’s successful mobilization that retook Congress in 2006 is the first step in a multi-year plan to restore primacy of progressive political forces and ideas in the U.S., AFL-CIO Political Director Karen Ackerman says.
Impeachment: A Note of Caution
The impeachment of President Bush has become an important issue. For some people on the left impeachment has even become a litmus test for the 'true' progressive.
A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule
Borrowing the opening line from Dickens' Tale of Two Cities - 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....' He referred to the French Revolution promising 'Liberte, egalite and fraternite' that began in 1789, inspired by ours from 1775 - 1783. It ended a 1000 years of monarchal rule in France benefitting those of privilege and established the nation as a republic the way ours did for us here a few years earlier.
New Year's Utopianism Needed Fast
Unbeknownst to many Americans, there is overwhelming consensus among scientists that we are very close to reaching a point of no turning back on global warming, which is caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
Response to Schmookler on Supporting the Democrats
In the December online issue of Political Affairs, Andrew Bard Schmookler ('Reason and Emotion in the Anti-Bushite Movement, Or, Hey Democrat-hating Lefties, Get Real') makes the argument that the left has no choice but to work with the Democratic Party in the effort to combat the ultra-right Bush administration.
Justice Department Reviews Own Role in NSA Wiretapping
he US Department of Justice’s (USDOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) opened a review of the USDOJ’s role in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) warrantless wiretapping program.
Reason and Emotion in the Anti-Bushite Movement, Or, Hey Democrat-hating Lefties, Get Real
Since the midterm elections, my primary focus has shifted from denouncing the Bush regime to exploring how to employ the newly won Democratic power.
Why Is the US Government So Afraid of Justice in the Case of Dr. Rafil Dhafir
The Bush administration and its 'justice department keeps finding ways to block justice and circumvent the rights the constitution grants.
For that reason this is an Urgent Request For Funds To Buy Trial Transcripts in defense of a blessed man wrongfully convicted by the Bush Justice Department for his crime of compassion.
Rep. John Conyers Calls for a 'People’s Agenda' for the New Congress
Appearing at a town hall meeting in Detroit, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) called for a 'new American agenda' for the next session Congress.
Anthrax Attack Made by Government Scientist, FBI Cover Up
The perpetrator of the 2001 anthrax attack on Congress likely was a government scientist employed at the Army’s Ft. Detrick, Md., bioterrorism lab having access to a “moonsuit” that made it possible to safely process and manufacture super-weapons-grade anthrax, a bioterrorism authority says.