White House Leaked Classified Intelligence to Make its Case for War
A new report looks into instances in which the Bush Administration leaked classified information to support its case that Iraq was a threat to the United States... With impeccable timing, on the eve of the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks, top Bush officials appeared on the Sunday talk shows to discuss the aluminum tube story that someone among them had just planted in the New York Times.

Movie Review: The Producers
Nothing succeeds like success. Mel Brooks deservedly won an Oscar for his seminal screenplay for The Producers in 1968. The comedy marked his auspicious directorial debut and has, rightly, achieved classic status, showcases one of cinema's finest and funniest musical numbers - Springtime for Hitler.
How can the war that has killed 30,000 Iraqis be justified?
U.S. President George W. Bush in his speech on December 14 said, 'my decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision,' while admitting that 'much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong' about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Iraq: Preparing for a National Unity Government
Our people went to the elections on 15th December 2005 with the hope that it would constitute an important juncture along the path of restoring security and stability, as well as for mapping a democratic path not only for the Iraqi people, but also for the peoples of the region.
PA BOOK ROUND UP #10: Notes and Previews on New Works on Edward Said; The Victory of Reason(Stark)
Here is another of our occasional book round-ups consisting of short notices of works we have not been able to fully review. These are essentially meta-reviews (reviews of reviews). If any of our readers are inspired to read one of these books and wishes to write a full review please contact pabooks@politicalaffairs.net.
WTO Declaration: A Bad Deal for Developing Countries
THE WTO Ministerial Conference, which commenced in Hongkong on December 13, 2005, adopted a declaration on December 18, after six days of acrimonious negotiations between the developed and the developing countries.
White Phosphorus: The U.S. Used It; The U.S. Says It's Illegal
The U.S. military used white phosphorus as a weapon in Fallujah, and the U.S. military says such use is illegal. That's one heck of a fog fact (Larry Beinhart's term for a fact that is neither secret nor known). This fact has appeared in an article in the Guardian (UK) and been circulated on the internet, but has just not interested the corporate media in the United States.
Fog Fact of the Year - the Big Lie Goes On
...the leaders of the country in the months prior to 9/11 adamantly refused to focus on Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and potential terrorist attacks on the United States. When information was put in front of them, they ignored it, brushed it off, or rebuffed it. They were adamantly focused on finding an opportunity to invade Iraq.
'Peace on Earth' Means 'No More War' : Christian peace activist viewpoint
Like Herod, Pilate and their soldiers, we have rejected the angels' call for 'peace on earth'. When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their war-making supporters celebrate Christmas, they mock Christ and his steadfast nonviolence, and carry on the massacre of the innocents.
Punishing America's Families: Bush's Misplaced Priorities and Irresponsible and Unfair Policies
It is dishonest to blame budget problems on programs that serve all Americans when their greatest source is tax cuts that benefit relatively few. It is fundamentally wrong to balance the federal budget on the backs of children, retirees, the poor and people with disabilities in order to save tax breaks for millionaires.