January 2005
Sudan: Does Anybody Give a Damn?
In this issue...
Sudan: Cry, Beloved Country
How Capitalism Stays Afloat
The Shame of Child Labor
Clearing the Air About Health Care
The Wall
January's Letters
Call for short stories -- click for submission info.
Online Editionupdated daily below

The Wall
We sat in two rows facing each other in a black van. We were twelve men, six on each side. The bearded guard covered our eyes with large scarves....

Clearing the Air on Health Care
Health care debates are often complex and difficult to follow. How do we make this easier to understand?

The Shame of Child Labor
Child labor is a source of big profits for multinational corporations because they have absolute control over a defenseless population.

Lifelines of the Rich and Famous: How Capitalism Stays Afloat
How did capitalism survive the economic crisis of the late 1990s to early 2002?

Cry, the Beloved Country: Interview with Sudanese Communist Party
A representative of the Sudanese Communist Party discusses the situation in Darfur, its history, and ways to bring about a political resolution.