
Ten Truisms of Capitalism From the Mouths of Robber Barons

'We are not in business for our health.' A statement attributed to J. P. Morgan, when fellow parishioners in New York's Trinity Church criticized him for 'investing' Church funds in lucrative East Side slum property.

Obama Pledges Investment and Economic Stimulus

Speaking to a crowd of over 1,000 members of the Laborers' union (LIUNA) via satellite this week, Barack Obama declared that he would be the 'build America President.' Obama pledged an investment of $60 billion to create new jobs and fend off economic recession by repairing and rebuilding the country's infrastructure.

John McCain's Confusion About the Economy

A newly released TV ad from the Obama campaign links John McCain's personal wealth and privilege to his fundamental misunderstanding about the economic realities working families face.

Vietnam-Venezuela Joint Committee Meets

The Venezuelan delegation included Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro, Minister of Energy and Petroleum Rafael Ramirez, Minister of Light Industries and Commerce William Contreras and Minister of Basic Industries and Mines Rodolfo Sanz.

60,000 Demand Wal-Mart Electioneering Investigation

The labor rights organization, American Rights at Work, released a video this week of workers turning in a petition signed by more than 60,000 people in support of a formal complaint filed last week against apparently illegal electioneering by the multinational retail giant Wal-Mart.

Video Reveals 'The Real Elitist' in This Election

Two major labor organizations, the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) teamed up with Brave New Films this week to promote a new video titled 'McCain's Mansions: The Real Elitist,' which links John McCain's personal wealth to his basic misunderstandings of the economic crisis facing working families.

John McCain's Vision for a Third Bush Term

John McCain wants you to think he's a maverick. He isn't, and his record after nearly 30 years in Washington proves it. From Social Security to energy policy, the economy, the war, and veterans issues, John McCain is out of touch with the views and needs of Americans.


US Inflation Highest in Almost Two Decades

The United States consumer prices rose by 5.6 percent in 2008 through July, the fastest inflation rate for almost two decades figures show. US Labor Department reported consumer prices rose 0.8 percent last month after jumping 0.6 percent in May and 1.1 percent in June. The July number was double what economists had predicted.

Vietnam: Soaring Prices Hurt Economy and People

Soaring prices heavily weighed on the Vietnamese economy and challenged the nation in May and the past five months.


John McCain Can't Handle the Truth: Taxes, Troops, and Clean Energy

On taxes, major media outlets again took McCain to task for misleading the public about Obama's plan to cut taxes for working families. In his TV spots, McCain claimed that Obama wants to 'raise your taxes' and falsely stated the tax burden would fall on middle-income families.

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