
Mr. Bush, Time For A Reality Check

Bush ignored a reporter's question of what would happen if the Iraqis missed their deadline. For Bush and his fellow war-mongers, the notion that the Iraqis might not be able to overcome their differences before the Fifteenth is simply beyond the realm of possibility.

Well Georgie Boy, What Now?

The whole notion of Bush as a straight-shooting man of integrity is nothing more than a fabrication, a facet of his cult of personality. As with the depictions of Bush as cowboy, military veteran, common man, and Washington outsider, Bush the honest is a well-cultivated fiction...Bush's claim of integrity is about as real as the Democrats' claim of offering a meaningful alternative to the Republicans.

Solomon's Unspinning of War

Norman Solomon's new book, 'War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death,' opens with a disturbing prologue.  The U.S. media has refused to give serious coverage to the Downing Street Memos on the grounds that they are 'old news.'  In the initial pages of his book, and supplemented by the rest, Solomon makes a case that both outdoes and undoes that claim. 

AFL-CIO Convention Calls for Troop Withdrawal from Iraq

On the second day of its convention in Chicago, the AFL-CIO took a historic step, calling for the rapid withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and an end to the country's occupation. Public attention has focused largely on the split in US labor and the decision by two of the federation's largest unions to leave.

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