Republican Congressman Breaks Ranks, Joins Demand for Documents on Downing Street Memos
Congressman Jim Leach (R, Iowa) has informed Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D, California) that he will co-sponsor her Resolution of Inquiry into Bush Administration communications with the U.K. about Iraq at the time of the Downing Street Memos.

Robertson Advises Bush to Take Already Self-Destructive Vendetta Against Chávez
Radical right-wing Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson took the future of U.S. diplomacy in South America into his own hands Monday night when he urged the U.S. government to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez...Robertson’s comments devolved from baseless to inflammatory when he blatantly called for the Venezuelan leader’s assassination, urging, “We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability.”
Online Petition Regarding Haiti :Dear Mr. Wolfowitz[World Bank President]
We, the undersigned, write in response to the World Bank's recent statement on Haiti. On July 27, the World Bank posted on its web site an article titled 'Haiti: One Year Later' that grossly misrepresents the current reality in Haiti. To lead readers to the article, the World Bank posted a banner headline at the top of its home page reading: Haiti's Recovery, A Year of Progress and the teaser: 'New schools, roads, and jobs are among the achievements of the Interim Cooperation Framework', Haiti's economic, social and political recovery program. This is an inexcusable whitewash...

The Flag Should Not Infringe on the First Amendment
The current effort by Congress to pass a flag desecration amendment is largely attributable to the war in Iraq. Supporters hope that at least 67 Senators, the two-thirds majority needed to forward the amendment to the states for ratification, will be too fearful to vote against it and run the risk of being labeled “unpatriotic.”
Anti-war Movement Picks up Momentum – in Congress and in the Streets
Opposition to Bush's war on Iraq continues to grow. An important sign of this fact is the growing dissension in the Republican Party as some GOP leaders are beginning to regard support for the war as an electoral liability in 2006. While others like Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska might see the war issue as part of a presidential bid in 2008.
Book Review – The Chavez Code, by Eva Golinger
Eva Golinger’s outstanding investigation and documentation of the events of early April 2002 that led to the illegal coup against President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela is a must read. After unearthing US government documents for the past two years, Golinger has produced groundbreaking evidence of the extent to which the Bush administration illegally aided the opposition, influenced the Venezuelan military, and directly and indirectly supported the coup.
SUDAN: Southern VP appointment to boost reconciliation talks - Analysis
Machar, who led a decade-long breakaway movement among his Nuer people before rejoining the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in 2002, was on Friday appointed by Sudan's First Vice President and President of the government of southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit.

In Iraq, 'C' is for Civil War, not Constitution
The drafters bicker, well-fed air-conditioned in the militarily secure comfort of the Green Zone, while their countrymen wither beneath constant violence and annihilating heat - wallowing in filth, walking streets turned into open sewers, cursing the all-too-frequent blackouts, becoming increasingly desensitized to the horrors of death and dismemberment.

President Bush Knows the True Reasons He Started A War in Iraq, But He's Not Going to Tell
Every year, right around the anniversary of 9/11 the Bush administration spins the public about the reasons 1,864 American soldiers have died fighting for a lie in Iraq. And every year, it’s just as crucial that the media tell the public the truth about the reasons the war was started.
A Simple Question and the Power of Shame
For two weeks now, sitting on a roadside, in the heat of the Texas sun, amid a growing, raucous circus of supporters, detractors, and media mouthpieces, bereaved mother Cindy Sheehan has done something many thought not possible in America anymore: she has reminded us of shame.